Vol 3: Chapter 6 - Weakest

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White Room

You will never be able to love anybody else until you love yourself.


"S-Sir! Shouldn't we tell them not to do anything to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka!?"

"Don't worry about it. He will get through this with no problems."

"B-But sir! He is not mentally stable right now! This could potentially destroy your long pl-"


The man instantly kept his mouth shut.

"This is the moment when my masterpiece gets reborn. This is the moment he will evolve. No one will interfere. Besides, the deal we made with those thugs was that we would only pay them after completion of the task. Once Kiyotaka evolves, there's no way they will be able to complete it. It saves me money that I can spend on other more important matters."

Professor Ayanokouji continued watching the screen in anticipation.


"More than anything, I despise you. And, that is coming from someone with no emotions."

Is that even possible? You have no emotions, and yet you hate me.

"Who knows... I am you after all."

This thing keeps appearing in my mind. I do not have any explanations as to why.

I did once thought that it was dissociative identity disorder (DID), but...

"No, it's not that. You don't have multiple personalities."

Then, why? It's something I am truly unable to explain.

"Stop trying to play dumb. Even in your own thoughts you continue to lie. Monsters will be monsters I guess. You already know what I am, but you keep rejecting me. How about you take a guess?"

I dislike guesses. All I want are cold hard facts.

"Alright then. If you aren't going to guess, or accept who you are, then I guess I'll just have to tell you myself."

I wonder what he is going to say.

"I am your instincts. I am your true self."

True self? And yet, I do not act like that at all.

"No, not that kind of true self. I'm more like the ugliness in you. The way you think. It's all me, or more specifically, us. You know how people have those voices in their heads when they think? Or, sometimes they think about something but quickly denied it, saying that they shouldn't think like that? When people really speak or think thoughts that are straight from their hearts? Yeah, that's me."

So, this is the part of me that I have been trying so hard to deny, is it?

If that's the case...

"Originally, you fully accepted me. You embraced yourself. However, that all changed when you met Hiromi."


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