Enhypen as Your Roommates pt.2🌟

Start from the beginning

Jake *・°.

- You actually didnt even consider kissing Jake,neither did he seem to consider kissing You,but after the both of You randomly talked about kissing,because You saw People in a Movie Kiss,You wondered what it would be like to Kiss someone,and if the Person that You kissed was Jake.

- Sometimes,You'd Glance into Jake's direction with a Blush on Your Face,as You eventually noticed that You have fallen in Love with Jake.

- But,You didnt tell Jake that You have fallen in Love with him,he kind of noticed though since You'd blush and look away whenever he'd look at You and smile.

- So,eventually after You awkwardly looked away from him,he gently cupped Your cheeks and made You turn to look at him as he asked what was up,and when You told him that You've fallen in Love with him,he simply blushed.

- He looked at You,admiring You,and gently kissed You.

- He looked at You,admiring You,and gently kissed You

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Sunghoon *・°.

- After You were rejected by someone that You went on a Date with,and told Sunghoon who was quite cold towards You,he actually began to act a bit nicer.
He'd act in ways that seemed as if he actually liked You a bit,but You didnt believe that he actually cared alot about what You were doing or who You went on Dates with.

- You went on a Date with someone,and that Person was quite rude,so when You told Sunghoon about it and he actually seemed bothered,it flustered You a bit.

- Somewhat awkwardly,You watched his expression change when he said that You shouldnt Date some random People,and that he would go on a Date with You if You wanted him to.

- You were kind of confused and flustered,but asked him if he was bothered by the People that You went on a Date with,to which he explained that he was,but he was also bothered because he wanted to go on a Date with You.

- He blushed,as he turned around to look at You,and lean in to Kiss You so gently.

- He blushed,as he turned around to look at You,and lean in to Kiss You so gently

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Sunoo *・°.

- Sunoo has questioned the Choices You made considering the People that You went on Dates with,and asked You out on a Date,but since You believed that it was meant in Friendly way,You didnt think that Sunoo could actually have fallen in Love with You.

- You went on a Date with him,and he was incredibly romantic,which made You wonder if he actually liked You as more than Just a Friend.

- Eventually,the Both of You were in his Room,when You asked if he asked You out on a Date because he was in Love with You,or if he simply wanted You to Go on a decent Date,and he smiled as he said that he wanted You to go on a decent Date,but that he did Love You.

- You were a bit flustered but smiled as he leaned in a gently kissed You.

- You were a bit flustered but smiled as he leaned in a gently kissed You

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Jungwon *・°.

- You had to talk to Jungwon,since he didnt even talk or interact with You after You became his roommate.
But he opened up alot after You talked to him and eventually,when the both of You were simply sitting next to each other,and You leaned in to cuddle as You and him didnt mind cuddling with each other,he randomly turned around.

- You didnt kiss him,but blushed when the tip of his nose touched Yours and You looked at each other so shyly but gently.

- But,You quickly moved away a bit,and awkwardly looked somewhere else as You wondered if You should kiss Jungwon.

- And as You looked away from Jungwon,he carefully turned to look at You with a blush on his Face,and gently grabbed Your Cheeks to turn You around and make You look at him.

- He smiled as he leaned in and kissed You gently.

- He smiled as he leaned in and kissed You gently

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Ni-Ki *・°.

- You and Niki got along nicely,he was quite excited to be Your Roommate and loved to hang out with You.
And eventually,You noticed that he'd blush whenever You would look at him and smile,which made You wonder if he has fallen in Love with You.

- But,You didnt want to question him about it,as You didnt want him to feel awkward around You,thus You simply adored him as he kind of shyly looked at You with such a sweet expression.

- And eventually,You have fallen in Love with Niki.

- When the two of You hung out together,You'd hug him and give him a kiss on the Cheek,adoring the flustered expression that he made,and eventually he turned around,gently grabbed Your cheeks and kissed You.

- He confessed his Love to You,blushing and with a smile on his Face,and held Your Hand so gently.

- He confessed his Love to You,blushing and with a smile on his Face,and held Your Hand so gently

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Heyy,How was the Chapter? I Hope You Enjoyed it :)

Anyways,I Hope You have a Great Day (^_^)

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