"Hey." It was Soul, everyone looked over at her and saw her looking at Nyx with a hard gaze. Nyx looked back with an even stare and released her grip on Danny's shoulder before Soul stepped forward. Nyx had a sickening feeling that Soul was angry at Nyx for attacking her in the estate. "Where...is Damien?" She asked, causing Nyx to relax a bit.

Nyx cleared her throat softly. "He's still with Dr. Faust. He uh...was injured during our last fight with Z. He asked me to tell you something though, he wanted me to tell you that he's sorry." Nyx said softly as she stared into Soul's eyes. Soul tensed and her breath hitched, she felt sudden warmth fill her alongside a strange emptiness. She wished that her mother didn't have to die for Damien to finally regret what he had done.

"Some...someone has to go get him." Soul uttered softly after she lowered her head.

"Woah, now." Kyle suddenly spoke up after so long of being silent, everyone looked at him as he pushed himself off from his leaning position on Nyx's dresser. "You want to bring that monster here?" He spoke to Soul with a cold tone and his eyes burned into her.

"Yes, I do. He's my brother. He's the only family I have left...and I know who he really is. He's brave and loyal, and he can be truly kind when he wants to be. I'm sure that Nyx can confirm that, right Nyx?" Soul spoke back with a deadpan tone that held a hint of real passion. Kyle blinked a few times before looking over at Nyx for an explanation. Nyx looked down with a deep sigh.

"On the night that you guys fought Z outside the Iris headquarters, when Z retreated, Damien tried to chase him down so I could kill him...and Z shot him. Even though he was still injured and in pain, he still insisted on coming with me to Z's hideout three days later. He..." Nyx paused and she clenched her fists, not able to look into Kyle's eyes as she spoke. "Z was going to stab me, and the knife had the Gift killing drug coating it. Damien shoved me out of the way and took the stab instead." Nyx didn't see this, but Kyle's eyes widened. "After I killed Z, I asked Damien why the hell he would take the hit for me like that. He said 'I would rather take the hit, so you could take him out.' so yes. I would say...he's changed. At least, he's trying to...I'm not saying I like it, I'm just...stating my observations." Nyx's voice drifted in and out of distaste as she explained, she raised her eyes to look at him. His face looked confused and slightly angry.

"What about what he did to Oli-"

"I know!" Nyx suddenly yelled through gritted teeth and Kyle's face softened, but still held irritation. "Trust me...I will never get that image out of my head." Nyx stepped closer to Kyle. "Consider yourself lucky that you didn't have to see him like that. It's a sight that I still see, every time I close my eyes...and I made that painfully clear to Damien. I think...I think that's why he risked his life for me. I think he really does want to try and make amends for what he's done." Nyx's gaze didn't waver as Kyle looked back with a blank look, but Nyx could still see the pain in his eyes.

Kyle gritted his teeth, "It's gunna take a lot more than that for me to forgive him." Nyx glared at Kyle for a moment before she spoke.

"Kyle, he brought me back from the dead. Are you seriously telling me that doesn't earn him at least some points with you?" Nyx asked him with a bit of attitude in her voice, Danny's eyebrows raised slightly in surprise as he moved his eyes to look at her, then back at Kyle. He growled softly in frustration before he swiftly left the room, Nyx sighed before she turned back to her mother. "Is there anything else you wanted to ask me?"

Elizabeth thought for a moment, "No, not yet anyway. I would recommend being careful in the halls, some students may react strongly to your resurrection." Elizabeth said before she turned and left the room, leaving Danny, Soul and Orion in the room with Nyx.

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