The cold wind that brushed through the City,blew against their Cheeks as they walked around on the Sidewalk,into the direction of Jay's Place.
A Nice Apartment in an Area that seemed to be decorated by a Luxury Vibe.
Gently,they Placed their Finger on the Button of the Doorbell,and rang it.
Without saying anything through speaker,Jay opened the Door,and Y/n strut towards the Stairs to Climb them.

Quietly,they wondered if they should Just ditch Jay,and not Listen to the Frustrations that were about his Girlfriend,but the care they had for him made them shake away the thoughts that they had about him and simply walk to the Door of his Place,to Greet the Boy with a Smile.

Jay leaned against the Doorframe as he Greeted Y/n with a simple "Hi."Before walking away from the Door and towards the Living room,Y/n Just watched for a bit,before they took their Shoes off and carefully placed them by the Door.

They walked into the Living room,to spot Jay who carefully Placed a Glass of Water down onto a Table that was near the Couch,and sat down on the Couch to stare at Y/n who stood by the Door,nervous.
He laughed in a Playful manner and tapped the Couch with his Hand "Sit down,or do You want to stand there awkwardly?"As his Brows rose,along the sound of his Hand tapping the Gentle Surface of the Furniture,Y/n carefully walked up to him and sat down,next to him but with some distance.

He frowned a bit as he saw how awkwardly Y/n sat down,but didnt Question it and instead began to Talk about his Girlfriend,saying that he was frustrated with her as she didnt like how he talked about her,which Y/n kind of understood.
After all,it wasnt exactly nice how Jay would talk about his Girlfriend.
But,as he asked to talk to Y/n to let out his Frustrations,they simply made a "Eh."Sound and listened to him talk.
After a while,Jay sighed and allowed Y/n to finally speak,but they werent sure what to say,and eventually Just said "But maybe You should ask why she isnt fond of the way You talk about her."Which Jay reacted to by simply moving his Brows a bit.

He wasnt bothered but wasnt exactly unbothered,he Just didnt want to be told how to interact with his Girlfriend.
And Y/n,as they noticed,simply changed the Topic and Gathered some Courage to ask "But...Jay,a Question...why did You start to Ignore me when You had a Crush on Your Girlfriend?"And with a subtle curious expression,they watched as Jay looked away.
"Uhm...I Just thought that if I hung out with one the other would feel upset,so I chose to hang out with one Person and not Both."He explained,almost as if it frustrated him a bit,and Y/n moved their Gaze away from Jay,to look against a Wall.

If he was worried that they'd be upset if he hung out with his crush,he could've told them.
Y/n understands that its complicated when a Person has a crush on someone,so they wouldnt have been upset at Jay.
"Jay,You could've said that...I was worried about our Friendship."Y/n spoke,with a slightly irritated Tone,as Jay looked at them and simply said "Its Okay,we're Friends."Which made them make a Gentle expression.

But,as Jay's expression changed to one that seemed rather odd,he said "But,If my Girlfriend didnt Get into a Relationship with me,You'd be someone that I would date...You don't seem to Frustrating,but...we're in Relationship so...I wont date You."And Y/n,shocked,rose their Brows and stared at Jay with a confused and irritated look.
For a while,Y/n actually wondered if Jay's Girlfriend wanted him to Ignore them,and wanted to complicate their Friendship,but she didnt,she was such a nice Person and didnt seem to be bothered if Jay hung out with his Friends,and that he didnt seem to understand how Nice she was,irritated Y/n.
Besides that,they understood,that while they always cherished the Friendship with Jay and cared for it,Jay didnt even seem bothered by it.
He only texted or interacted with Y/n if he needed to let out his Frustrations,but besides that,he didnt text them or interact with them.

He wasnt bothered by the Friendship,unless he could benefit from it.
With such ease,he would Just ditch Y/n after letting out his Frustrations,and assume that they would still care and cherish him,because they didnt want to ditch and ignore him.
And as they noticed Just how coldly and rudely he treated them,Y/n stood up from the Couch "That was so rude...Jay,Your Girlfriend is amazing,and You're in a relationship,saying to another Person that You'd Date them if Your Girlfriend didnt Date You...that's rude."Jay seemed a bit flustered as Y/n spoke,and frowned "And You let out Your Frustrations,then ditch me and ignore me...are we Friends? because You don't seem to think so,or You don't know what Friendship is."They said,as they stared at Jay who stood up from the Couch.

He said "I don't know,we're Friends."With a slightly irritated Tone as Y/n Gently frowned "No,Unless You care about this Friendship besides Just letting out Your Frustrations...We're not Friends."They walked out of the Room and towards the Door of the Apartment,to Put on their Shoes as Jay watched,with a frustrated expression.
They walked out of the Apartment without Questioning the frustrated expression on Jay's Face,walked down the Stairs and carefully stepped onto one of its steps when they saw Jay's Girlfriend who walked up the Stairs.
They looked at each other,smiled and walked down and up the stairs.

As they walked out of the Apartment building,a Gentle Smile Graced their Face.
They wouldnt bother with People who couldnt care or cherish them as they cared and cherished the other.
They would find actual Friends who cared,who were Fun,friendly and Kind.


Heyy,How was the Chapter? I Hope You Enjoyed it :)

Anyways,I Hope You have a Amazing Day (^_^)

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