79: If I was bleeding, would you fix me?

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"This bloodbath is months old at this point. Do we know who made the mess?" The first officer asked the other as they stood outside of the bar, smoking a cigarette.

"Well, after questioning people in the surrounding area, it appears to be a Gifted crime. We got multiple suspects, a small Japanese brat with glowing yellow eyes and bare feet. The other suspects have very miniscule identifiers, they were hiding their faces." The second officer said as he looked down the notepad he was holding, Damien narrowed his eyes. "One taller, muscular African American. One man with pink hair and blue eyes. One with white hair, wielding a katana. One shorter man with glowing blue eyes and black hair. And one Hispanic man who, according to the testimony from the witness...took control of his mind." The cops looked at each other for a moment with subtle fear on their faces.

"Wait...so-" One cop started before his buddy cut him off.

"Yep...It appears that The Mind Stealer had a kid, and that kid inherited his Gift...that could mean big trouble." The second cop sounded afraid and Damien's eyes widened slightly before he used his shadows to pull himself up to the roof, where Nyx was waiting.

"Well?" Nyx asked him as he regained his perch on the edge of the roof. Damien exhaled evenly before he spoke.

"Your friends from Sanctuary were here the day that massacre happened. As of right now, they're all suspects." Damien responded quietly with an even tone. He looked at Nyx from the corner of his eye and she stiffened. No, they couldn't have done this. "There's something else too." Damien got her attention again. "They were talking about Nate, and they sounded afraid because of his Gift."

"What?" Nyx asked quietly with shock in her words.

"Nyx, if Nate's morals aligned with his father's, he could easily take over the world with his Gift alone. Have you not thought about that?" Damien answered her in a serious tone and Nyx had surprise spread across her face. She hadn't thought about that, she just knew that Nate's Gift was...scary. She never really thought about how bad it would be...if Nate had gone down his father's path. It was silent for a while before Nyx wanted to change the subject.

"Z isn't one of those bodies, is he?" Nyx asked in a slightly shaking tone. Damien studied her expression for a moment before responding.

"No, I don't think so. This looks like it happened at least a few months ago, before we saw him at the Iris headquarters. He's gotta still be in his hideout." Damien responded with a slightly soft tone. "We should wait until they leave and then check out that bar." Damien added as he sat on the edge of the roof and hung his legs over the side.

"Why? That's just wasting time." Nyx said with irritation as she kneeled on the edge of the roof.

Damien scoffed softly, "Because we don't have any Intel other than he likes this pub and his hideout is nearby. We're going to have to do some classic deductions to find it." Damien said casually as he leaned back onto his hands. Nyx's brow furrowed in irritation, genuinely considering just shoving him off the roof, but it faded when she remembered he could easily catch himself anyway.

After about 30 minutes, the police had finally finished their investigation/half assed cleanup. The two waited until the alley was deadly silent before they both dropped down from the roof. Damien landed safely with the help of his tendrils and Nyx landed like it was a small hop before the dark violet glow around her faded. They both walked into the bar and looked around, the bodies were gone but a lot of the blood remained. Nyx saw dried bloody footprints litering the place, barefoot prints. They were across the floor, running across the wall, on the ceiling.

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