Chapter 117: Talking with Ostusi 2

Start from the beginning

"Are Grand Humans that much of a big deal then?" Aurianna mused.

"Consider an Arc Human at level 5000; a Grand Human surpasses that, reaching level 10,000. So, yes, their mere presence has the potential to dismantle any carefully laid plans," Ostusi confessed, a nervous energy manifesting as he clenched his fists. A touch to his neck conjured a disconcerting memory.

The recollection was vivid: his neck clutched firmly by an individual with twin pink-glowing crosses in his eyes.

'I barely managed to escape his grasp,' he ruminated, teeth clenched in a blend of indignation and fear.

Observing Ostusi, Aurianna's thoughts churned, 'Given how he's visibly shaken, he might have encountered one himself. Grand Humans must be even more formidable than Arc Humans. And just when I thought Arc Humans were fearsome to begin with (⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠),' Aurianna cried inwardly. 'However, I'm beginning to grasp the hierarchy of human evolution. A regular Human ranges from level 1 to 149. A High Human is between levels 150 and 499. A Chaos/Holy Human holds levels 500 to 999. An Arc Human's domain spans levels 1000 to 4999. A Grand Human's stature is from level 5000 to 10,000, and as for Primordial Humans, the extent of their levels is still a mystery to me,' Aurianna's thoughts fluttered nervously.

"So then any idea how we can get by pass them?" Ostusi inquired, collecting himself.

"Simple, just hide your aura and follow my lead," Aurianna responded with a smirk, striding toward the crowd with a nonchalant demeanor that baffled Ostusi. He was on the verge of issuing a warning, yet minutes passed and Aurianna remained in place, met by no reaction. His puzzlement grew.

"Just follow me," Aurianna directed, prompting Ostusi to fall into step beside her as they advanced.

"How are you managing this?" Ostusi questioned, bewildered by the lack of response to their presence. 'She didn't even use invisibility magic,' he contemplated.

"Noise cancellation barrier, aura concealment, and light manipulation," Aurianna replied, accompanied by a wink.

"Light manipulation?" Ostusi queried, confused with the concept.

"All living things perceive objects based on the light they reflect. By manipulating that light around us and eliminating it, we become practically invisible – not even a trace of our shadows is cast. I advise you to suppress your aura as much as possible and avoid any physical contact. Otherwise, our presence could be detected," she cautioned as they continued their stride toward a substantial doorway, breezing past guards with ease while tailing other knights.

"However, that alone isn't enough to achieve this level of stealth. You're hiding something," Ostusi deduced, narrowing his gaze at her.

"I don't really have an obligation to provide you with reasons. So kindly maintain silence and follow my lead. Frankly, your queries are becoming irksome," Aurianna huffed, her expression marked by displeasure.

"See, my magic comes in handy all the time!" Eva proclaimed proudly, hovering alongside Aurianna.

"It's undoubtedly proven its usefulness," Aurianna telepathically acknowledged.

"I've been able to effectively cloak every trace of your presence. Even devices meant to detect spirits and souls won't pick up on you," Eva informed her.

"Thank you, Eva. Your assistance means a lot to me," Aurianna expressed with a grateful smile.

"You should shower me with praise more frequently, my dear. Hohoho," Eva chuckled.

"I doubt that'll happen," Aurianna muttered under her breath, a faint frown on her face.

"By the way, we've been walking for quite some time. Where exactly are we heading to?" Ostusi queried, his gaze settling on Aurianna.

"We're making our way toward the chambers where they hold enslaved prisoners. There's a matter I need to address there," Aurianna replied.

"I'm appreciative that you've allowed me to witness this place, yet certain aspects remain unclear," Ostusi rambled on, his fingers rubbing against his chin thoughtfully.

"What's the core objective of our presence here? I'm well aware I lack the necessary teleportation means to transport a significant number of people," Ostusi pointed out.

"While you might not possess such resources, did you overlook the fact that I happen to be one of the wealthiest princesses in this Highland? I do indeed possess the required technology. Would I risk appearing here without a meticulously devised strategy?" Aurianna retorted, her raised eyebrow conveying her point.

"I have heard through my contacts that you often favor a punch-first, think-later approach," Ostusi remarked, prompting Aurianna to turn toward him, a cold and piercing glare emanating from her eyes. Ostusi averted his gaze.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Aurianna demanded, anger etching her features, visible veins standing out on her forehead, her cheeks puffing.

"Nothing, just ignore those words," Ostusi quickly responded, avoiding direct eye contact.

"So, when's your surgery scheduled, Fp 89?" One of the knights clad in verdant armor, who walked ahead of them, inquired of his comrade.

"I've been told it's in two days. Once they're done, I'll need to stay for a bit and undergo additional tests before I'm cleared for the upper level," Fp 89 replied, a note of contentment in his voice.

"Well, aren't you the fortunate one," Fp 534 chuckled, casually draping his arm around Fp 89.

"No doubt about it, Fp 534," Fp 89 responded bashfully. "I owe my gratitude to King Girsal for granting me this opportunity. If not for him, most of us wouldn't be here."

"That's absolutely true. We owe him a great deal, and it's our duty to repay his kindness with our best efforts," Fp 467, a female-voiced knight beneath her helmet, chimed in with fervor.

"You're quite the fireball, Fp 467," Fp 863 laughed, leaning her arm on her waist.

"Of course! I found out I'll be summoned about a week later. They've finally located an elf with wood-based abilities similar to mine. Can't help but imagine the new skills I'll gain!" Fp 467 exclaimed, punctuating her excitement with a little dance as they continued walking.

"Oh, curious about the body parts they're giving you?" Fp 89 asked.

"Feeling envious, Fp 89?" Fp 467 teased, closing the distance between them.

"No, no," he hurriedly protested, waving his hands, "I'm genuinely thrilled for you."

"Why, thank you. I'll be getting a heart and eyes transplant. That's what the medical team informed me. Speaking of which, what did they replace for you? I heard your surgery was a success," Fp 467 inquired of Fp 534.

"Unfortunately, I was endowed with body parts from a lower-tier demon. The arm they gave me isn't quite satisfactory, and they also swapped my blood with demon's blood," Fp 534 shared with a hint of sadness, his posture reflecting his low spirits.

"Don't be too disheartened; demons possess an extraordinary capacity for rapid healing!" Fp 863 interjected, aiming to uplift his spirits.

"That's accurate, but unfortunately, my own healing abilities aren't particularly potent," Fp 534 responded with a resigned sigh.

"Then perhaps you should consider undergoing another surgery, this time with a higher-tier demon!" Fp 863 suggested.

"I'd welcome that option, but it implies tackling more perilous missions to amass the points required for such a surgery. Without that, I'm left with the alternative of natural selection – a process that could take years for them to select me again," Fp 534 grumbled.

"Well, best of luck with whatever path you choose!" Fp 467 offered, punctuating her words with an unseen thumbs-up and a wink concealed beneath her helmet.

"I'm not sure my luck will be of much help, but I appreciate the sentiment," Fp 534 conceded.

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