Damien snickered once, "Oh it wasn't that bad... considering you liked it." Damien said coyly as he leaned back and took another sip of his coffee. Nyx looked at him with violent confusion.

"I'm sorry, I what?" Nyx said with an accusatory inflection as she leaned over the table.

"Don't play dumb, Nyx." Damien said through a smirk before he leaned forward as well, leaning his elbows on the table. "I was part of that kiss as well, and I know what I felt. If you recall where my hands were...I could feel your pulse." Damien's voice suddenly got quieter as he glanced at Nyx's lips. "I felt your pulse was erratic...then it calmed...and then started racing again." Damien then leaned closer and his eyes narrowed slightly. "Now, why do you think that would happen?" He whispered.

Nyx's brow furrowed before realization flashed in her eyes. "Are you trying to say I have feelings for you?" Nyx whispered through a small laugh, "The only feelings I have for you is complete and utter loathing." Nyx growled out as her eyes burned into him. Damien snickered as his eyes flicked to her lips again.

"Oh please-" Damien kept his voice low and it sent an involuntary shiver down her spine. "-if you knew anything about psychology, you'd know that the chemical reaction of hate is a very similar feeling to the reaction...of lust." By the time Damien finished talking, he had leaned close enough for their lips to almost touch a second time before Nyx finally noticed. She inhaled sharply and quickly leaned backwards before landing a hard slap across his face. Damien's head moved to the side from the force as Nyx stood up fast. Damien slowly leaned back in his chair as he brought a hand up to massage his burning cheek. A smile crept onto his lips when he saw Nyx's flushed cheeks.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Nyx said angrily as she glared at him. "What kind of sick games are you playing?" She said slightly louder. Damien dropped his hand from his face and placed that hand on the table.

"I'm not playing any games, princess." Damien said in a casual tone, a red bruise starting to appear on his cheek. "I'm simply saying that I see the way you look at me, and I gotta say-" Damien flicked his eyebrows up slightly and he subtly bit his bottom lip. "-it's surprisingly enticing." Damien spoke with a dangerous tone that sent shivers down her spine before her face morphed into a look that almost resembled offence at his gall. Nyx then stepped towards the table and leaned onto her hands, she glared at Damien with a stabbing gaze.

"Let me make something clear to you. I would sooner die again than to ever lay in bed with you....and if you value your life, you won't show your face around me for the rest of the day." Nyx growled out in a stern and serious tone before she stood up and began walking out of the room.

The smile on Damien's face faded. "That might be difficult, considering we'll be heading out tonight." He said casually, causing Nyx to turn around and look at him over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry?" She asked with more anger bleeding into her words. Damien looked at her and smirked again.

"Faust found a lead on Z." He purred with a slightly manic grin and Nyx's eyes widened.

"He did? What's the lead?" Nyx asked him urgently as she stood up straight. Damien tilted his head slightly, almost like he was entertained by Nyx's sudden interest.

"Well, lead is a strong word. More like he found a place where we can find a lead." Damien stood up and slid his hand into his pockets. "It's the headquarters of a small Gifted organization called Iris. They're a bit of a small vigilante collective that think they're hot shit since...The Erebus Mafia fell..." Damien's voice got lower as he mentioned his family. "Anyway, Faust says there's a good chance that Iris has files all about Z. Considering he's a Gifted killer, I'm inclined to believe they'd want to keep tabs on him. So, how about we go there, get those files...and slaughter all of them." Damien said casually and Nyx tensed. She was with him until he said slaughter all of them.

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