Zaegar's Challenge: The Clash Within Yhwach's Soul

Start from the beginning

Murayama: Um, Ms. Raynare? Was that necessary?

Murayama inquired.

Raynare: Of course, it was. He was talking without permission, so I had to take action.

Raynare smiled as she responded.

Murayama didn't press the matter.

Yhwach: Any questions?

No one raised their hands or spoke.

Yhwach: Good. Blueberry, you take over now.

He delegated and left the class, heading to the school courtyard for some peace.

As Yhwach settled on the bench in the quiet courtyard, Zaegar's voice echoed within his mind.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) The Devil King is here.

Yhwach sighed, contemplating the perpetual chaos that seemed to surround him.

Yhwach: Will there ever be a moment of peace for me, Zaegar?

Zaegar chuckled, a sinister edge to his voice.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) No, Yhwach. Peace is a luxury you can ill afford.

Yhwach sighed, subtly acknowledging his tumultuous fate.

Yhwach: Perhaps not.

Zaegar's laughter echoed in the recesses of Yhwach's mind.

Sirzechs: A lovely day, isn't it?

A voice sounded behind him.

Yhwach: What do you want, Devil King?

Sirzechs walked over and sat down beside him.

Sirzechs: Well, Yhwach, I wanted to have a chat with you, to be frankly honest.

Yhwach: There is nothing to talk about. And if you're wondering about your little sister, don't even worry about it. I didn't even touch a single strand of hair on her.

Sirzechs: I know you didn't. I haven't come for that. I came here to discuss the Holy Swords you took.

Yhwach smirked.

Yhwach: It's my property now.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind, laughing) Finders keepers, Losers weepers.

Sirzechs: Actually, Yhwach, it's not. It belongs to the church, and you have to return it. You don't have a choice in the matter.

Sirzechs said with a serious tone.

Yhwach: Let me ask you this, Devil. If I hadn't arrived to stop that man, what would have happened to your precious little sister?

Yhwach inquired, gazing into the distance.

Sirzechs: She would have been heavily injured or even killed.

Yhwach: Well, I saved her life, so you wouldn't have to weep at her grave every damn time. Do you think, as a reward for saving your little sister, I get to keep the Holy Swords?

Sirzechs: No, that isn't even possible. I can't give you a dangerous weapon to keep. I can offer money, women, or something else. You having the Holy Swords isn't the best option for anyone.

Yhwach: I don't need money from a Devil, nor do I want women from you either. All I want is peace in this world. A life where everyone could live amongst each other without thinking they are better than the other. An equal transactional agreement where everyone can be seen the same. But every time I dream of such a world, my thoughts always drift towards your hideous kind.

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