The Unsettling Alliance: Issei's Struggle and Freed's Decision

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Raynare: Just knock, and someone will answer. I have to go now.

Raynare flew off, and Asia turned towards the door, staring at it for a moment before knocking.

The door swung open, and Kalawarner stood before her.

Asia: K-Kalawarner, what are you doing here?

Kalawarner: Come inside, and I will explain the details.

Asia nodded and entered.

Kalawarner: Take a seat.

Asia approached a single-seater chair, ready to sit, until Kalawarner abruptly yelled at her.

Kalawarner: DON'T SIT THERE!

Asia jumped back, avoiding the seat.

Asia: Why? Is there something wrong with it?

Kalawarner: That is the Master's seat. No one is supposed to sit in that chair except the Master.

Asia: I-I see.

Kalawarner moved to the living room table, took a seat, and began typing on her computer.

Kalawarner: Now, about the question you asked me a few minutes ago regarding why I am here. That is because I serve my Master, and I have a duty to perform.

Asia: You also serve him as well, Kalawarner?

Kalawarner: Indeed. Now, are you going to join us and help us rebuild this corrupt world of ours?

Asia stood there, contemplating the question.

Asia: How do I know that you're not lying?

Kalawarner: If I were lying, do you think I would be here, spending around 20 hours typing on this computer to assist my Master?

Asia: What does he want with me? I'm nothing special.

Kalawarner: You have a Sacred Gear that heals people, and that would be a great asset to our cause.

Asia: What will happen to Issei then if I join?

She asked with concern.

Yhwach: As long as the failure doesn't impede my progress, he will be fine. Unless he wishes to join my journey as well.

Yhwach said as he emerged from his room.

Kalawarner got off her chair and kneeled on one knee, lowering her head.

Kalawarner: Lord Yhwach, what do you desire?

Yhwach: Continue your research and report to me if something interesting arises.

Kalawarner: Yes, my Lord.

Kalawarner got up, returned to her chair, and began to fulfill her duties.

Yhwach turned his attention to Asia.

Yhwach: And you are Asia Argento, I presume?

Asia nodded, feeling speechless in his imposing presence. He appeared formidable, and she understood that saying the wrong thing could lead to dire consequences.

Yhwach: You will join me and assist in rectifying this world. Your contribution will be invaluable to me and my team.

Asia: A-Alright, I will join, as long as you don't harm Issei.

Yhwach: As I mentioned earlier, if the failure doesn't obstruct my path, there will be no issues between us.

Yhwach walked over to his seat and took a comfortable position.

Neo Soul King YhwachDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora