Ancient waters - Theon Greyjoy

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"If we die I'm going to spend the rest of the afterlife reminding you that it was your fault" I declared as we stood close to the edge of the cliff. Peering down, the resonance of cascading water filled the air, enhancing the thrill of our impending adventure. "Well, I'll gladly welcome the company," he replied, capturing my hand with a confident smile.

We were standing atop a cliff edge that provided a panoramic view of nature's spectacle, rippling waters below and a waterfall above. "Theon, this is absurd," I reiterated, attempting to reason with him as laughter escaped from his lips.

"You worry too much," he teased, pulling me back with him. Our attire consisted only of the garments beneath our clothes, and the gentle breeze prompted a shiver.

"On the count of three," he proposed, and despite my hesitant headshake, he initiated the countdown. "One, two, three!" We sprinted in unison, leaping into the unknown with exhilarated hearts.

Screams echoed through the air as we descended, bodies hurtling towards the awaiting water below. The impact was thunderous, and amidst the chaos, I felt Theon's hand slip away as my body submerged. Gasping for air, I swam to the surface, desperately searching for his familiar presence.

"Theon" I called out, panic lacing my voice. "Theon" my distress heightened with each passing moment. Suddenly, a figure embraced me from behind, a familiar laughter echoing in my ears. I turned to face him, scolding him with a playful hit to his chest. "Don't do that," I reprimanded, pushing away from him in the water.

"It's so beautiful," I mused, captivated by the surroundings. "You are," he flirted, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer.

As we lingered in the embrace of the water, the echo of our laughter harmonized with the distant roar of the waterfall. Theon and I swam through the clear depths, the ripples of our movements reflecting the playfulness that danced in our eyes. 

"The gods themselves would envy this," Theon jested, as he splashed water in my direction, the droplets glistening like diamonds.

"I'd gladly face a dragon before attempting such folly again," I replied, feigning sternness as I retaliated with a swift splash.

"Life's a series of battles, and a true Ironborn faces them head-on," he proclaimed with a roguish grin.

"This Ironborn will never find my company in something like this again" I teased with a wry smile, the water glistening on our skin as we leisurely swam towards the water's edge. As we approached the shallows, the desire for warmth and dryness crept into our minds.

As we approached the water's edge and emerged from the depths, the sensation of Theon's gaze lingering on me was palpable. "Watch yourself, Theon," I cautioned with a playful yet admonishing tone, squeezing the water from my hair.

His response came with a charm that echoed through the woods surrounding us. "How can I, when I am graced by the presence of the most beautiful girl in all the Seven Kingdoms?" he declared, shaking water from his own hair. The compliment, like a gentle current, elicited a shiver as the cool breeze caressed my wet skin. Swiftly, I adorned the discarded dress, hugging my shoulders in an attempt to ward off the lingering chill.

"So, how shall we explain our current state?" I inquired, the sound of rustling leaves accompanying our slow progress through the woods. Theon, ever the quick thinker, pulled me closer, his touch offering both warmth and reassurance. 

"We could say we fell," he suggested a mischievous glint in his eye. I chuckled, appreciating his wit even in the face of potential scrutiny "Well, that'll surely explain it" I responded as he laughed with me, the sound echoing through the quiet woods.


swimming when it's cold is all fun and games until you've to get out and get dry 😫

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swimming when it's cold is all fun and games until you've to get out and get dry 😫

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