King slayer - Jaime Lannister

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"Who's that?" I whispered as King Robert and his family rode into Winterfell.

"The queen of Westeros's twin brother, Jaime," Sansa whispered back, her knowledge surpassing mine despite her being my younger sister.

"Kingslayer," Robb added as Father and King Robert engaged in conversation.

In a matter of minutes, everyone dispersed. Despite my longing to follow after Robb and Jon, familial duties bound me to stay with my mother, the queen, and Sansa.

Robb and I shared a better understanding than I did with the rest of my siblings, perhaps owing to our closer ages.

"This is my older daughter," my mother introduced with a graceful gesture, and I responded with a small, respectful curtsey. Cersei, the queen, observed me with a discerning eye and offered a diplomatic compliment, "She's beautiful." I sensed her reluctance to be here mirrored my own. 

I navigated my way out of the conversation, fabricating another task as an excuse, and hastened out of the room. A sigh of relief escaped me as I turned quickly, only to collide with an unexpected obstacle.

A groan escaped me as I tumbled, meeting the floor with an undignified impact. As I looked up, I found Jaime staring down at me, a subtle smile playing on his lips. "Kingslayer," I muttered almost involuntarily, the words slipping out before I could stop them. He lowered his hand, and I gratefully accepted the offer, allowing him to hoist me back up to my feet.

"I prefer Jaime," he remarked with a light tone. "I apologize, ser," I quickly mumbled, and a genuine laugh escaped him in response.

I observed his features, he radiated handsomeness with golden blonde hair and striking green eyes, standing tall and well-built, a picture perfect look.

"You're Ned's oldest?" he inquired, and I shook my head. "Robb's the oldest I'm his second-born," I responded. He scrutinized me for a moment, and his gaze left me feeling a twinge of insecurity.

"Well, you are beautiful, my lady," he flirted, kissing my hand. I felt my cheeks flush a subtle shade of red. "Thank you," I whispered, pulling my hand back. 

"I better get going Robb's waiting for me" I lied moving briskly down the hall purposefully avoiding a glance back.

Being the daughter of the lord of Winterfell and warden of the north, compliments on my beauty were a familiar occurrence. It came with the territory, an unspoken expectation that people felt obliged to acknowledge and appreciate the features bestowed upon me by lineage and birthright.


Seated at dinner with Robb to my right and Jon to my left, we engaged in meaningless conversation as I slowly tried to forget the events of that morning. 

Standing to refill Jon's goblet, despite his protest that he could do it himself, I turned from my seat and collided with someone, the remnants of Jon's drink cascading down my dress.

A gasp escaped me as the liquid stained the light-coloured fabric. Looking up, I found Jaime with an apologetic expression. "I apologize, my lady," he hurriedly said, looking down at my dress eyes wondering a little longer than necessary. 

"We need to stop meeting like this," he taunted, and I cleared my throat, redirecting his gaze to my face. "We should, Ser Jaime," I responded with a subtle playfulness in my tone.

"Can I help you with anything?" I inquired, genuinely curious about his unexpected approach to our table. "Oh, I was just coming over to ask if you were okay from the fall earlier," he replied, his voice adopting a sweet and flirty cadence. "I'm fine, thank you," I answered, and he nodded, giving me a grin that hinted at the lingering flirtation.

The laughter of Robb and Jon continued beside me, impervious to my threatening looks. Unable to suppress my cool any longer, I seized Robb's goblet and dumped its contents on both of them, a sweet smile playing on my lips.

"Not giggling anymore, are we?" I teased, and both boys stood up in protest.

"Outside now," a stern voice commanded, and I looked up to see our mother. The three of us immediately ceased our laughter, sobering up at the sight of her annoyed expression.

I exchanged a glance with Ser Jaime, and he raised his eyebrows. "You're in trouble," he whispered, and I sighed quietly. "Save me," I flirted, a playful plea before following them all out of the room.

"The three oldest acting like children. You all know better than this," Mother scolded as we listened with our heads bowed. "Get cleaned up and come back and behave," she declared, dismissing us with a firm directive.

As we made our way to our chambers, Robb initiated the conversation, his words laden with playful curiosity. "So, you and the Kingslayer," he began, and I promptly swatted his arm. "Don't be silly," I scolded, shooting a glare at Jon, who couldn't resist chiming in. "You're smitten," he continued, earning himself another disapproving look before I entered my room to change.

I discarded the stained dress, opting for a different one, and wiped away any lingering remnants of wine. A knock on my door interrupted my preparations, and I hummed a welcoming "come in" as I began lacing up my dress, assuming it was either Robb or Jon ready to escort me back.

"Can you finish lacing this?" I asked, keeping my head down as I struggled with the intricate ties. "I don't know where my handmaiden is."

"Is it common for ladies to ask their guests to help them dress in the north?" a voice inquired, and I gasped, not recognizing it as Robb's or Jon's. "Ser Jaime, I thought you were one of my brothers," I confessed, feeling a twinge of embarrassment.

He chuckled softly before approaching me, skillfully taking over the task. Despite my initial embarrassment, my cheeks warmed slightly as he deftly tied the knots. "Beautiful," he remarked, his gaze meeting mine in the mirror, and I smiled gratefully.

"We better head out before someone finds you in here," I suggested, rising from my seat. "It's not common for unmarried ladies to have unmarried men in their chambers in the north," I added with a teasing tone.

As we walked back to the dinner, engaging in casual conversation, I found myself unexpectedly taking a liking to the Kingslayer.


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