Beyond alliances - Robb Stark

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Upon the directive of my elder sister, I found myself navigating the chaotic confines of a mud-soaked army camp. Urged forward by the insistent touch of Jorah's hand on my back, I pressed on until we reached a tent guarded by a stern-faced man.

"I need to speak with Robb Stark," I declared to the guard. He scrutinized me, unable to discern my features concealed beneath the cloak. "Who are you?" he inquired, and Jorah positioned himself in front of me. "Where is Robb Stark?" he repeated.

"Who may be asking?" a voice interrupted from behind us, and as I turned, I beheld a striking man with dark hair and piercing eyes. "Jorah Mormont," Jorah identified. The man's gaze shifted between me and Jorah before he spoke, "I'm Robb Stark."

"We should speak in private, my lord," I suggested, and with a wary glance, Robb agreed, ushering us into the tent.

Seated in a chair, Robb inquired, "What may I do for you?"

I pulled down the hood of my cape revealing my icy silver hair, Jorah stood next to me protectively "I am" I started but Robb cut me off "You're a Targaryen" he said his face displaying pure shock, I nodded slowly.

"I am Princess Y/n Targaryen," I began. Robb's eyes widened in recognition. "Daenerys' sister," he mused.

"Yes," I affirmed, "I've come to seek your help, Daenerys is facing formidable challenges, and we need allies if we are to reclaim the Iron Throne from the Lannisters."

Robb's expression turned contemplative, his eyes reflecting the weight of the political turmoil. "Why should the North involve itself in the affairs of the South?"

I met his gaze firmly "Because a Lannister on the throne means continued chaos and suffering for the realm we need a united front against them, and your support would be invaluable."

Robb leaned back in his chair, assessing the gravity of the situation. After a moment, he spoke with determination, "Anyone other than a Lannister should sit on the Iron Throne the North will stand with you."

"I extend my gratitude for your understanding, I was deeply saddened to learn of the loss of your father please accept my condolences," I conveyed with sincerity, meeting his gaze. "I can assure you that his death will not go unanswered."


In the quiet moments between war councils and strategic discussions, Robb Stark and I found ourselves drawn into conversations that went beyond the immediate concerns of the realm. One evening, as we studied a map spread out on a makeshift table in the dimly lit tent, Robb looked up, his eyes meeting mine.

"I appreciate your insight," he said, a genuine appreciation evident in his voice. "It's my sister's cause, and I'll do whatever it takes to see it through," I responded, my gaze unwavering.

Robb's eyes held a mixture of determination and admiration. "Your commitment is admirable, your family has faced great challenges." "As has yours," I acknowledged a shared understanding passing between us.

As the evening wore on, our conversation delved deeper into personal histories and the burdens we each carried. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across the tent, creating an intimate atmosphere that seemed to invite candour.

"Our houses have been defined by turmoil, Robb perhaps, in this alliance, we can rewrite some of those narratives," I said 

"Perhaps we can make this alliance stronger," he responded, his voice carrying a note of sincerity that resonated in the small space. Robb leaned forward, his eyes meeting mine with a newfound intensity that hinted at the gravity of what he was about to suggest.

"How so?" I inquired, curious, as a small but genuine smile found its way onto his face.

"A marriage," he said, and I couldn't help but shake my head in surprise. "Daenerys has no interest in marrying," I added. 

"I'm not speaking of Daenerys," he clarified, catching me off guard. The unexpected twist left me momentarily speechless.

"I appreciate the gesture, but I would like to marry for love, not for political gain," I admitted, I had no interest into succumbing to the ways of my ancestors.

"I would like to believe this marriage wouldn't be all for political gain," he countered, his eyes searching mine for a sign of understanding the sincerity in his voice struck a chord within me.

"Are you saying you've taken a liking to me?" I asked, my tone a mix of surprise and curiosity, as Robb nodded in affirmation. "I am flattered," I admitted, a genuine smile playing on my lips. The revelation unfolded like a delicate dance. 

"The time we've spent together has been enjoyable," I confessed, my gaze meeting his. "I've come to appreciate not only your strategic mind but the person you are beneath the weight of leadership."

Robb's eyes softened, and a subtle warmth passed between us, transcending the confines of the tent and the boundaries of our houses.

"I accept your proposal" I said he gracefully took my hand in his placing a tender kiss on the back of it.


not very pleased with this one kinda rushed it sorry 😬🩶

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

not very pleased with this one kinda rushed it sorry 😬🩶

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