No one can - Ramsay Bolton

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Inflicting pain, tormenting others, and wreaking havoc came naturally to him, but breaking someone's heart presented an entirely different challenge.

The revelation of Ramsay's wedding hit me with disbelief. However, as he sought me out in the darkness of the night, all doubts were confirmed.

Seated together in the cold night, the stars illuminated our surroundings, contrasting sharply with the emotional turmoil consuming us both.

"You have a wife," I remarked, to which he nodded, displaying no hint of remorse. "Was I not enough for you?" I inquired, maintaining a steady and firm tone.

"You never were," he responded unapologetically. The lack of surprise washed over me after all, the man I had been hopelessly drawn to was none other than Ramsay Bolton, unswayed by the sentimental entanglements of 'love.'

"This is it then," I declared, meeting Ramsay's gaze. He simply nodded, a smirk playing on his lips. Surprisingly, I found myself admitting, "Strangely enough, I will miss the time we've spent together."

His cocky demeanour persisted, and he replied, "Of course, you will." The arrogance in his response only emphasized the stark contrast between our emotional investments in what had now become a parting of ways.

Rolling my eyes at his cockiness, I rose to leave, but Ramsay swiftly grabbed my arm, halting my departure. "No one understands me like you do," he declared.

Dismissing his self-assured tone, I shook my arm free, a cynical smile forming on my lips. "That's too bad," I retorted. "Now your new wife will soon get a front-row seat to the real you." As I walked away, his lingering arrogance echoed in my ears, and a thought crossed my mind "Why was I ever sad about this?" The realization dawned that breaking free from the tumultuous connection was, in fact, a liberation from a self-absorbed spiral.

"No one will ever fill the void you've left," he murmured to himself, his gaze fixated on the distant horizon. The weight of his words lingered in the air, echoing the depth of the emotional void "No one," he repeated, the quiet desperation underscoring the profound impact of the absence left behind.

In a desperate attempt to reclaim what he believed was lost, he hurriedly went after me seizing my arm to forcefully turn my gaze towards him. The moment, however, took a dark turn as he swiftly unsheathed a dagger, impaling me with a chilling precision. A gasp escaped my lips as crimson blood began to seep out, he held my body in his arms laying me down on the floor.

My eyes widened in shock and pain, a mix of disbelief and horror painting my features, he leaned in, the dagger still between us and uttered with an unsettling calmness, "If I can't have you, no one can." The ominous declaration hung in the air, the cold resolve in his words echoed the twisted possession that had driven him to this gruesome act.


on the shorter side 🔪🩸

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on the shorter side 🔪🩸

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