The perfect woman - Jon Snow

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"He's never met a girl he's liked more than his hair"

Yet, fate intervened, weaving a tale of love, marriage, and the journey that brings us to this moment.

A contented sigh escaped me as my handmaiden gracefully adorned me in a dress, the fabric now snug over my growing stomach. "Lyra, I believe we need larger dresses," I remarked, observing her smile as she smoothed down the fabric. "One sudden move, and it might tear," I continued, adjusting as she skillfully laced the back.

"Your grace, that would indeed be quite a sight," Lyra replied as she secured the final knot. "Now, you must make your way, there's still preparation for tonight's feast," I said, signalling her departure from my chambers.

"My queen," a voice boomed as I descended the stairs, Jon immediately at my side, offering support. "If you rush to my side every time I come into sight, your men may perceive weakness," I pointed out, met with his laughter.

"My men would do the same if it meant standing by the side of the most beautiful lady in the seven kingdoms," he asserted, kissing the side of my head. "How are you feeling?" he inquired, and I sighed. "The babe and I are well, you worry too much," I reassured, placing his hands over my stomach as our unborn child stirred.

With a radiant smile, I observed Jon's awe at the gentle touch of his unborn child. "Now, I must go, there's a feast to oversee," I declared, gently pushing his hands away.

"Remind me why we must host this again?" he asked as I groaned. "We've discussed this, you are the king in the north, and a yearly celebration among the northern houses will uplift spirits," I reminded, prompting his nod of understanding, although he lacked interest.

The grand hall echoed with anticipation as I made my way through, the vibrant hum of activity filling the air "Let the tapestries cascade gracefully," I instructed, guiding the workers in transforming the space into a visual feast.

Venturing into the courtyard, where torches were being lit, I took a moment to breathe in the crisp evening air. The flickering flames added a warm glow to the surroundings, casting a magical ambience.

The evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a gentle twilight upon the festivities as people started flooding in.


"I am tired," I stated, settling down next to Jon, who revelled in the company of our friends and family. "Everything is beautiful," Sansa complimented, and I nodded in thanks as she handed me a goblet to drink from.

"My wife has quite the touch," Jon praised, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, and drawing me closer. "Oh, I must go greet Lady Bolton," I said, noticing the arrival of the Bolton house. "I hear she is with child," I added, smiling as I kissed Jon's cheek. "I'll be right behind you," he said, engrossed in conversation with Tormund.

Approaching the Boltons, I paused for a moment hearing the remainder of Ramsay and Roose's conversation. "I suppose bastards can rise high in the world," Ramsay remarked, and I appeared behind him, clearing my throat.

After a warm hug with Walda and a nod at Roose, I turned to Ramsay. Instead of a customary handshake, I surprised everyone by embracing him. "That bastard is your sworn king. Watch your mouth before I have your head for treason," I whispered, pulling away with a smile, leaving him momentarily shocked.

Jon joined the group with an untroubled smile, happily greeting everyone before standing beside me.

"Walda, I hear you are with child," I gushed, and she nodded with a joyful smile. "I suppose House Bolton will be getting an heir after all," I added, locking eyes with Ramsay, whose smile had vanished. Jon shot me a questioning look, but I ignored it, offering the Boltons good wishes as we returned to our table.

"Are you alright?" Jon asked, effortlessly sensing the shift in my demeanour. I nodded, "Yes, my love."

"I'm just thankful, is all," I said, grabbing his hand. "I should be the thankful one," he replied, lifting my hand to softly kiss it. We happily rejoined the conversation at our table,

He found the girl he liked more than his hair.


idk why but I felt like Ramsay deserved to be put in his place for this one 😋😭

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idk why but I felt like Ramsay deserved to be put in his place for this one 😋😭

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