Protective - Ramsay Bolton

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 Whispers floated around, "The babe's father will always be a bastard" lingered in the air like a bitter aftertaste. Fueled by a storm of emotions, I fought the instinct to lash out, taking a deep breath to quell the rising anger. As I attempted to quicken my pace, the burden of my pregnant body slowed my progress.

"My lady you must slow down," one of the guards advised, and I nodded, leaning on his arm while placing a protective hand on my growing belly. My breaths were laboured, resembling the aftermath of a marathon.

"God this is difficult" I said as I leaned on the guard "I apologize for inconveniencing you" I murmured to the guard, who shook his head silently.

 "Of course it is difficult, you are nurturing a whole child in there," Ramsay remarked, emerging from the shadows, swiftly taking my arm and dismissing the guard.

"Where are you running from my lady?" he asked taking in my exasperated expression "It's nothing," I replied as we resumed our walk "I insist," he pressed, seizing my arm. "Just people and their remarks," I sighed.

"Who dared utter such words?" he asked, a seriousness in his tone. "My love, you need to calm down you're being excessively protective," I advised. "I believe it's the right amount of protection," he asserted as we arrived at our chambers.

Seated together, Ramsay's hand found mine, intertwining our fingers in a gesture of reassurance. "Who dared utter such words?" he repeated, his gaze fixed on mine, a mix of worry and protective determination in his eyes. I hesitated, contemplating whether to disclose the identity of the source, but the sincerity in Ramsay's expression prompted honesty.

"It was just a passerby, Ramsay, a stranger in the crowd," I confessed, grateful for the comforting squeeze he gave my hand in response. His expression tightened with a subtle flicker of anger.

"Words are just words, my love," I whispered, trying to ease the tension that lingered between us. Ramsay's gaze softened as he traced his thumb over the back of my hand. "I know, but they shouldn't be allowed to touch you like this," he replied, his voice a gentle murmur.

"Thank you for being my shield," I said, leaning into him.


My agonizing screams reverberated through the corridors, the unbearable pain echoing in every cry. Ramsay knelt beside me, his face contorted with the anguish of witnessing the woman he loved in such agony. I tightly squeezed his hand, seeking solace in our shared connection.

"One more push," the maester promised, his voice cutting through my groans. The room was filled with the sounds of cries, both mine and the newborns. I glanced at Ramsay, who kissed the side of my head in a mixture of concern and anticipation.

As the handmaiden placed the tiny babe in my arms, a smile graced my lips. The sight of our daughter nestled against me was overwhelming. "It's a girl," someone announced, the joy evident in their voice.

Admiring the perfect little being in my arms, I couldn't help but feel a surge of love. The handmaiden, sensing the tender moment, gently inquired, "Have you thought of a name, my lady?" My gaze shifted between Ramsay and our newborn daughter.

"Roslin," I announced. Tears welled in my eyes as I spoke, and the handmaiden offered warm approval. "A beautiful name, my lady," she remarked, sharing in the joy of the moment.

"Roslin, meet your father," I said, passing our precious daughter into Ramsay's waiting arms as he sat on the bed beside me. He cradled her gently, his eyes filled with awe as he admired the newest addition to our family. "I'm going to protect you from the whole world," he whispered, a vow that melted my heart.

 I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful scene unfolding before me.


I'm tired 😴

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I'm tired 😴

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