Unjust retaliation - Jaime Lannister

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"Hand over the girl," she demanded, a steely resolve in her eyes. Jaime, however, stood firm, pushing me further behind him to shield me from view.

"Not going to happen," he replied defiantly, a protective stance solidifying around me.

"It is only fair, a life for a life," she continued, her daughters lurking in the background, their eyes burning with sinister intent. Tyene blew me a mocking kiss, while Obara and Nymeria laughed with a venomous glee.

"She is not the reason Oberyn died," Jaime asserted, his voice unwavering. Bronn, ever the opportunist, chimed in, "He died because he was too busy taunting the Mountain." I shot Bronn a bewildered look, struggling to comprehend that he was bargaining with my life through an ill-timed joke.

The odds seemed stacked against us. Jaime and Bronn were the only ones with substantial fighting experience, and Ellaria's daughters appeared to be born and bred for combat.

"She's not even a Lannister," Jaime added, trying to reason with Ellaria. "She's someone you care about. Oberyn was someone I cared about. It's a good enough reason for me," she quipped, her resolve unyielding.

"Ok, let's all just keep calm," I interjected, emerging from behind Jaime with my hands raised in surrender. He shot me a disapproving look as I cautiously moved back.

"Stay where you are," Jaime warned, but I shook my head. "I'm not gonna let you two fools get hurt over me no offence, but the odds are not in your favour," I said, slowly approaching the determined sisters.

"It wasn't your fault," Jaime protested as Ellaria seized the opportunity, pulling my arms back and holding me with a firm grip. "It's okay," I reassured him, meeting his gaze.

"No," he declared, unsheathing his sword and pointing it at Tyene, who merely narrowed her eyes in response.

The first hit was issued from Jaime, the ensuing clash was a chaotic ballet of martial prowess. Fists met with audible thuds, and the sisters fought valiantly, a mix of grace and ferocity in their movements. Yet, Jaime and Bronn moved with a synchronized fluidity, dodging and parrying with choreographed precision.

As the battle unfolded, the echoed sounds of grunts and the shuffle of feet were heard. The sisters, undeterred, launched a relentless assault, but Jaime and Bronn countered with a seamless combination of defensive manoeuvres and swift strikes. The struggle intensified, creating a whirlwind of chaos.

Despite the sisters' unwavering determination, Jaime and Bronn maintained their cool composure. Their teamwork became a decisive advantage, covering each other's blind spots and exploiting openings in the sisters' defences. Slowly but steadily, Bronn and Jaime gained control, turning the tide in their favour.

Now standing behind Jaime again, I witnessed the exhaustion on their faces as they held their ground, panting and out of breath. 

"Ellaria, trust me, it's not worth it," Jaime urged, attempting to diffuse the tension. She scowled, seemingly defeated, and her daughters were equally tired, bruised, and battered, marking the end of the tumultuous confrontation.

She took a moment, sizing up Jaime and Bronn, and then finally spoke with a bitter tone, "This isn't over, the Lannisters will pay one way or another" Her gaze lingered on me for a moment, a silent promise of retribution, before she turned on her heel.

Ellaria walked away, each step echoing with a sense of defeat that did little to extinguish the fiery determination in her eyes her daughters trailing behind, neither of them pleased.

Jaime and Bronn, still catching their breath, exchanged a cautious glance, the girls, despite their battered appearance, maintained a proud posture, their eyes promising a future reckoning.

Jaime, with a mixture of relief and concern, hurriedly approached, "You shouldn't have done that," he admonished me softly.

"To be honest, I didn't have much hope in either of you," I admitted, my gaze following the retreating figures of Ellaria and her daughters. When I turned back to face Bronn, he shot me a disapproving look, prompting me to add, "How about a thank you, I had a lot of faith in you two?" He mumbled his approval under his breath.

"Right," I began, attempting to salvage the situation. "I always believed you could do it," I said, the uncertainty evident in my voice. Jaime chuckled, and we started walking together, as we moved, I reached over and wiped some blood from Jaime's cheek before softly kissing it, a silent acknowledgement.


Cersei's revenge on Ellaria and her daughters was so well thought out 😮‍💨

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Cersei's revenge on Ellaria and her daughters was so well thought out 😮‍💨

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