Drunk confessions - Bronn Blackwater

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The night unfolded with laughter and poured drinks, as Tyrion, Bronn, Podrick, and I gathered around a table to partake in the infamous Tyrion Lannister drinking game. The rules were simple, make a statement about a person, if true, they drink, if wrong, you drink, and the next person makes a statement.

"You've never laid with a woman," I stated, only to be met with Podrick not taking a sip. Gasping, I turned to Tyrion and Bronn, realizing they were in on Podrick's secret. "You two knew?" I questioned, and they nodded. "Who do you think paid?" Tyrion quipped.

"You got your coins back," Podrick reminded, and I laughed. "Okay, that's the last time you lay with a woman?" I asked, and Podrick refrained from drinking again. "Pod, you cheeky lad," I said, taking a sip of my drink.

"Ok my turn" Tyrion said "You had a betrothed" he said and I took a drink as the men around the table exchanged surprised glances "Gregor Clegane" I announced "The mountain?" Pod questioned and I nodded "he would've crushed you" Bronn laughed "Ever so grateful he didn't make it out" I said as we all laughed again.

Tyrion's next statement took a mischievous turn. "You are currently in love with someone," he said, winking at Bronn. Realizing their playful game, I didn't drink, prompting Tyrion to do so, and the hurt on Bronn's face was evident. "Drink up," I insisted.

Turning my attention to Bronn, I exposed their scheme. "You asked Tyrion to ask me that," I declared, making Bronn take a sip. I cheered, leaving Pod confused.

"I'm not a fool," I proclaimed, downing my drink "Later, boys," I said, stumbling towards the door, feeling the effects of the alcohol.

As the tavern door opened behind me, I expected Bronn to follow, but it was a stranger. I looked back and then forward, stumbling. "Whoa, darling, seems like you've had a little too much to drink," he remarked, grabbing my waist.

I groaned as my head ached "I'm fine," I mumbled, pushing his hands away.

"I wouldn't risk leaving a little lass on her own," he said pulling my body weight onto him "No" I mumbled as I pulled away but he kept a firm grip on me.

"Stop resisting," he said as he led us towards an alley "No" I repeated louder this time, he gripped my hair pulling my head back "Shut the fuck up and stop making this difficult" he whispered.

He shoved me onto the cold dirty floor and I felt hot tears staining my cheeks, his body leaned over mine, the unbuckling of a belt was heard and I kicked my legs, the effects of the alcohol wearing off.

"She said no" a gruff voice intervened. Through my blurry vision, I recognized the familiar face "Now scram before I take that belt and use it elsewhere" he threatened his voice low and deep, The stranger retreated, not finding it worth the hassle.

I was lifted off the floor and given water. "Thank you," I said, wiping my mouth and tears.

"You're a silly woman," he mumbled, embracing me as he stroked my hair. 

"You know you could've just asked me if I liked you instead of making Tyrion do it," I teased and he gave me a 'are you serious look' "Ask," I urged, and he reluctantly mumbled, "Do you like me?"

I looked into his eyes, leaning in for a kiss. He reciprocated but abruptly stopped. "That means yes," I laughed as hesitation spread across his face. 

"Are you still drunk?" he asked "I sobered up one hair pull ago," I replied smiling as we leaned in again, softly kissing.

"Let's get you to bed," he suggested, leading us through the empty alleys. 

"So, Pod?" I asked, and Bronn burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the air.


The drinking games were so funny 🤞🏼😋

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The drinking games were so funny 🤞🏼😋

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