Errors in judgement - Jorah Mormont

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He watched her as though she were the only woman remaining in the Seven Kingdoms, encapsulated in a trance from which he couldn't break free.

"Are you alright?" Daenerys inquired, and I nodded, returning from my daydreams. "Yes, Dany," I responded, and she soothingly rubbed my arm.

"If you need a break, I don't mind if you leave," she offered softly. I shook my head, but she persisted. "Ser Jorah, will you accompany my sister for a walk?" she asked, and he promptly stood.

"Dany, it's okay, I can go on my own," I insisted, but she shook her head. "I insist, It isn't safe," she added, and I reluctantly agreed.

Leaving the confines of the room, I walked briskly as Jorah caught up. We found a quieter area in Meereen, and I leaned over a balcony, with Jorah standing a few feet behind me.

"I know how you look at her," I remarked as Jorah met my gaze. "You're in love with her," I pointed out. When Jorah began to object, I raised my hand. "It's hard, isn't it?" I continued, turning around to lean against the balcony.

"Loving someone who can't love you back," I added, and he looked down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," I quickly apologized as he looked back up. "No, Princess, it's just.." he started but was interrupted by a loud, booming voice.

"What's going on here?" Daario announced, placing his arm around my shoulders "Nothing," I quickly said, shaking off his arm, but he didn't seem to take the hint, instead looping it around my waist.

Jorah glanced down at Daario's arm and then into my eyes. "Your sister tells me you're unwell," he said, and I shook my head. "Just needed a breather," I explained, and he nodded. "I'll see you back inside," he said, walking away.

"He's gone now, relax," I reassured Jorah, who continued burning holes in Daario's retreating figure "You're jealous of him, aren't you?" I said as he turned back to me "He gets her every night, and you don't," I pressed further.

Jorah, meeting my gaze, firmly stated, "I am not in love with her." I sighed in frustration,

"You can deny it all you want, but the way you look at her speaks louder than your words," I retorted, exasperated "Just be honest with yourself, Jorah."

Before he could respond, I decided I needed a break "Tell Dany that I'm going out for a ride on Viserion," I said, my tone indicating that I needed some time alone.

Jorah began to object, opening his mouth to speak, but I turned away, walking briskly, the sound of his footsteps followed me, and I could sense his internal struggle. As I stepped out into the open air, I heard him call out, "Wait, princess!" Yet, I continued my stride, determined to escape the suffocating atmosphere.

Ignoring his protests, I made my way towards the catacombs, my frustration mixing with a longing for the freedom of the open sky. The massive form of Viserion awaited, his scales gleaming in the sunlight. As I approached, the dragon lowered its head, acknowledging my presence.

I quickly mounted Viserion, feeling the powerful muscles beneath me. As we ascended into the sky, the wind whipping through my hair, I needed the vastness of the skies to clear my mind.

Meanwhile, Jorah stood in the courtyard, watching as Viserion and I disappeared into the horizon. The conflict within him mirrored the turmoil of his emotions, torn between loyalty and unspoken desires. In the distance, the dragon's silhouette faded against the blue sky, leaving Jorah alone with his thoughts and the weight of untold truths.


I returned under the shroud of night, the moon casting a gentle glow upon the courtyard. Jorah awaited my arrival, his expression revealing impatience and concern. Lowering myself gracefully from the back of Viserion, I met Jorah's disapproving gaze.

"You have been gone for hours, princess," he scolded, his disapproval etched on his features. Viserion roared protectively behind me, but a reassuring touch from my hand calmed the dragon's unrest.

"Where's Dany?" I inquired, sensing an unusual tension in the air. Jorah shrugged, an air of indifference clouding his response. "I have no idea," he admitted, and my eyebrow arched in surprise. "You don't know where she is?" I pressed, puzzled.

"I don't know where she is because I don't care," he declared, his tone revealing a hidden depth of emotion. 

"Why do you think I'm standing here waiting for you?" he added, preempting any attempt on my part to respond by raising his hand.

"I don't care about her because I care about you," Jorah confessed, laying bare the sentiments that lingered beneath the surface. Confusion danced across my face as he continued. "You think I'm in love with her, you think I stare at her, but you don't realize that it's you that I'm staring at, you that I'm in love with."

As the initial shock wore off, a smile graced my lips, and laughter bubbled from within. "I am in love with you, princess," he reiterated, moving closer. He gently brushed my silver hair behind my ear before leaning in for a kiss.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Viserion fixating on Jorah with an intense, burning gaze. Pulling back from the kiss, I glanced at Viserion and then back at Jorah. "I don't think Viserion appreciated your attitude," I remarked, and Jorah briefly met the dragon's gaze, a mixture of amusement and realization dawning upon him.


It's giving the staring contest between Jon and Drogon in that one scene 😭🤭

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It's giving the staring contest between Jon and Drogon in that one scene 😭🤭

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