Northern frost and southern sun - Robb Stark

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Born into nobility, my life felt like a predetermined journey, each step guided by the hands of the men around me, father, brother, uncle, or even grandfather.

Doran Martell, my father and the ruler of House Martell in the southern realm of Dorne, had promised me in marriage to Robb Stark, the eldest son of Ned Stark, the lord of House Stark in the northern region. The alliance between our houses was meant to establish a balance of power in Westeros, safeguarding our territories and ensuring stability.

As the carriage came to a stop, I stepped out, feeling a nervous shiver in the brisk air. "It is an honour to welcome you to Winterfell. I trust your journey was without incident," greeted Ned Stark. Approaching him, I tried to suppress the chattering of my teeth. "It was my lord," I replied, feeling a sense of ease in the welcoming atmosphere.

"Lady Stark," I greeted Ned's wife, and she responded with a graceful smile. She proceeded to introduce her children, stopping at Robb, a handsome man with dark brown hair. The surprise was evident on my face.

"Not what you were expecting, princess?" he asked, and I chuckled softly. "I apologize it's just that I imagined you older and less..." I struggled to find a polite way to complete my sentence.

"That's okay," he reassured me. "I'm used to a different sort of men," I explained, attempting to convey the source of my initial shock. We both laughed, and a chill ran down my spine. Goosebumps formed on my skin, and I rubbed my bare arms.

"You must be freezing" Robb observed looking down at my dress and the lack of fabric covering my skin "Dornish dresses tend to have lighter fabrics and I didn't have enough time to prepare warmer attire" I explained, swiftly, he removed the fur from his back and draped it over my shoulders. I expressed my gratitude, attempting to conceal the blush creeping up my face.

Ned and Catelyn watched in awe grateful all was going well.


"So what's it like being a princess" Sansa asked next to me, she insisted on sitting right by my side at the feast the Starks had graciously prepared for my arrival despite Catelyn trying to make Robb take the seat next to me.

"Well, being a princess is fun there are fancy and not-so-fancy parts of life, there's the duty stuff, you know, keeping House Martell looking good, taking care of our people and making friends."

Sansa nodded, signaling for me to continue "But what about the fun stuff, the dresses, the parties?" she asked with anticipation.

I grinned, "Oh, there are grand celebrations, stunning gowns and so much more let me tell you." Sansa's eyes sparkled with newfound interest "I'll have to take you back now won't I" I said as she nodded eagerly. 

I stole a glance at Robb, seated across from me, his eyes captivated by the easy rapport I shared with his family. Even on the day of our first meeting, there was an undeniable connection between us, a spark that transcended the formalities of the arranged alliance crafted by our families.


"So, how are you enjoying the North?" Robb inquired as we strolled outside, away from the bustling crowd inside. "It's beautiful," I breathed, "cold but beautiful," I added, feeling the nip of the crisp air on my face.

"You'll get used to it," he reassured, pulling me a little closer. "I'll keep you warm for now," he said with a cheeky grin, and I couldn't help but bow my head and laugh.

"You'll have to visit Dorne as well," I suggested. "We can do so after we are wedded," he proposed, and I nodded, a smile playing on my lips. "Then, I'll show you what it's like to feel the warmth of the southern sun," I replied playfully. 

He grinned, "Looking forward to it, I've never been to Dorne, but if it's anything like you, I'm sure I'll love it."

I playfully nudged him, "Flattery will get you everywhere, Stark."

As we continued walking, the conversation flowed effortlessly. Robb shared stories about Winterfell, and I told him about the sandy landscapes and vibrant culture of Dorne. Despite the differences in our homes, we found common ground in our laughter and shared moments.

A light snowfall began, and Robb extended his arm, offering me the warmth of his cloak. As I nestled into his side, the cold became an afterthought, and the enchantment of the North felt all the more magical with him by my side.


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