Duty and desire - Jon Snow

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House Black, long believed to be extinct, resurfaced from the brink of oblivion thanks to my relentless efforts. Through unwavering commitment, marked by blood, sweat, and tears, the once-dying house has now emerged as one of the most formidable in the realm.

Seated in regal composure, I observed a diverse assembly standing before me. A fiery-haired girl, a man with curly black locks and penetrating eyes, a dwarf with a relentless scar, and an older gentleman with greying hair, all seeking my support.

"We need your aid, my lady," one of the men spoke, prompting me to turn to my trusted advisor, Jeyne.

"Your grace, meet Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, and Davos Seaworth," Jeyne introduced. I nodded, my knowledge of those beyond my house limited intentionally.

"Why should I lend my support?" I inquired, nonchalantly leaning back. Jon replied, "This threat will impact everyone in the seven kingdoms."

Suppressing a laugh, I asked, "Where was the assistance when House Black faced extinction?" Rising from my seat, I moved gracefully to lean against the table, the black fabric of my dress cascading around me, and the bareness of my shoulders exposed to the cool breeze.

"When we teetered on the edge of extinction, not a soul in the seven kingdoms extended a helping hand, I single-handedly rebuilt us from the ground up," I declared with a hint of bitterness. "My father and brothers sacrificed themselves for your brother's cause, my mother perished from a broken heart, now you seek more of my men for another cause you've conjured up?" The pain in my voice reverberated through the room "I would be a fool to do so"

They exchanged glances, sensing the weight of my words. The air in the room hung heavy with the unspoken history of House Black's struggle.

"But my lady," Jon implored, "we need unity to face the impending threat your strength, your house's strength, can turn the tide for all of us."

I stood tall, unyielding "Unity was a luxury House Black couldn't afford when it teetered on the brink of extinction, I became a queen to my people not by seeking alliances, but by reclaiming our chance at existence, they consider me a queen for giving them back that chance."

"I won't let sentiment cloud my judgment, House Black has just found its footing once more, and I won't jeopardize that for an alliance that may crumble as easily as the last one" I finished.

"The threat to the North won't halt at its borders the towering walls outside will prove futile against the impending army of the dead," Jon declared solemnly, prompting a sceptical scoff from me.

"Army of the dead?" I questioned, arching an eyebrow, to which Jon nodded in affirmation.

"My brother is not lying," Sansa interjected, her tone determined. Unconvinced, I regarded Jon with suspicion. "I have no reason to believe your brother, Snow, wasn't it?" I continued, my gaze shifting to Jeyne, who nodded in confirmation.

Sansa's confidence waned as my scepticism lingered. "So, I have a bastard, a dwarf, an old man, and a hesitant woman at my doorstep seeking aid," I stated bluntly. "It's late, you may be on your way," I added, dismissing them without hesitation.

Tyrion attempted to appeal, "My lady, it's late. It would be better if we could spend the night and start our journey back early in the morrow." I shook my head, signaling my guards, who approached the group ready to escort them out forcefully if needed.

"My lady, please allow us a private conversation, and I can assure you I can change your mind," Jon implored. With a sigh, I acknowledged his persistence. "You are remarkably persistent," I observed as he flashed a cheeky smile despite the situation.

"Very well," I conceded, leading the way towards a secluded hallway. Jon followed closely, glancing at my guard standing nearby "He's staying," I declared, and Jon nodded in acceptance.

I leaned against the cold stone, arms crossed, waiting for Jon to present his case. He took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering, as if trying to convey the weight of the North's peril through his eyes.

"My lady, I understand your scepticism the idea of an army of the dead sounds like a fantastical tale, but I've witnessed it firsthand," Jon began, his voice carrying a sincerity that resonated in the quiet corridor. "I've seen friends, comrades, fall to this menace we're not here seeking aid for a petty cause we stand on the precipice of a threat that will consume not just the North but the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms."

As he spoke of the sacrifices, the losses, and the impending doom, I could sense the weight he carried. The burden of leadership, the responsibility for lives hanging in the balance all of it etched across his face, all of it similar to everything I experienced.

Eventually, I sighed, "You are right, there's a sincerity in your eyes that cannot be feigned, House Black will stand with you in this dire time," I declared, moved not only by the impending danger but by the genuine emotion that had reached across the divide between us.

Jon approached me with sudden urgency, prompting my guard to swiftly unsheathe his sword. Amused, I chuckled as Jon halted his advance just as abruptly as he had begun. "It's okay, Meryn," I reassured my vigilant guard, giving Jon the freedom to pull me into a surprisingly warm embrace, something I felt wasn't  a common act on his part.

"If we make it out of this," Jon vowed, his voice carrying the weight of conviction, "I can assure you the North will stand as devoted allies to House Black."

His eyes met mine, and a subtle glint of something more than just the alliance sparked. "It seems the North and House Black might find common ground in matters of the heart as well," Jon remarked, his tone carrying a teasing undercurrent that caught me off guard. I arched an eyebrow, both surprised and intrigued by the unexpected flirtation in such dire circumstances.

"Flattery in the face of impending doom, that's a bold strategy," I replied, a playful smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

His response was unabashed "We might find ourselves forging something more you never know"

A grunt echoed nearby, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter, even as Jon's expression shifted into a faint frown. "Ser Meryn is just a tad bit overprotective when it comes to his queen," I quipped, the amusement evident in my voice.


Imagine her dress as the green one Alicent wore to  Rhaenyra's wedding in House of the Dragon but in black, I love her dress style also I feel like if I ever wrote a full story this would be the plot 🖤🐉

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Imagine her dress as the green one Alicent wore to Rhaenyra's wedding in House of the Dragon but in black, I love her dress style also I feel like if I ever wrote a full story this would be the plot 🖤🐉

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