My protector - Robb Stark

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"I seek no trouble," I declared, dismounting with caution. My hand glided to the dagger at my belt, drawn gently before being dropped to the ground as a sign of no aggression.

Against four adversaries, my chances were slim a lone woman amid a group of trained men. Their martial prowess far surpassed my own, despite my solid training.

A subtle anxiety gripped me as two of them advanced, one callously kicking my dagger aside. "Let's see what trouble you bring," one jeered, triggering a chorus of laughter.

Quickening breaths accompanied my move as I sidestepped, kicking under the legs of the nearest adversary, my manoeuvres desperate against the threat.

The other lunged at me and I dodged him attempting to reach for my dagger but my fingers grasped empty air as it lay kicked away.

I resisted the flurry of attacks, desperately defending myself while attempting to inflict injuries on my attackers. Despite my best efforts, their overwhelming force proved too much to handle. Tripping over the uneven terrain, I tumbled against the trunk of a tree.

As I lay there, battered and bruised, the men towered over me, their anger evident in their cold stares. The metallic taste of blood lingered in my mouth, and my body throbbed with pain.

A commanding voice cut through the tension. "What is going on here?" The men turned, and to my surprise, they responded to the stranger's authority. "My lord," one stammered, "step away from the lady." The stranger's firm demand prompted the men to retreat. "Out of here before I see to it you are all punished," he warned, offering an unexpected reprieve.

Through my blurry vision, I glimpsed a handsome face looming above me. With a gentle pull, he effortlessly helped me to my feet.

"My lady, you are hurt," he observed with concern. I chuckled weakly, attempting to make light of the situation. "I would say so," I replied, my voice strained.

"Allow me to escort you to a place to clean up," he suggested, and I nodded, gratefully accepting his proposal.


I winced slightly as the maester carefully attended to the wound on my face.

"Is this a good time to inquire about why you were travelling alone?" he asked with curiosity in his eyes. I glanced up, admitting somewhat sheepishly, "I just needed some time to be alone," sensing the honesty in my response.

"Where are you coming from?" he questioned, his curiosity still piqued. "Karstark," I replied, the maester leaving the room as I answered. "And who might you be?" I asked, observing the slightly surprised expression on his face.

"You don't know who I am?" he responded, sounding somewhat surprised. I shook my head, acknowledging, "I apologize if my ignorance offends you."

"I'm Robb Stark, the heir to Winterfell," he revealed, and his announcement brought a genuine surprise to my face. "I apologize, my lord, I wasn't aware," I said, and he shook his head. "It's rather refreshing, actually," he added, a proud smile gracing his features.

"You'll find the North can be quite unforgiving, especially when you venture alone," Robb remarked with a hint of concern, his eyes holding a warmth that contradicted the cold climate outside.

"I suppose I have you to thank for being my protector out there, my lord," I smiled, noting a subtle twinge of red enveloping his face. "Please, Robb is fine," he said, and I nodded.

"I should head back out," I said, rising from my seat. "Maybe you should stay," Robb suggested, and I raised my eyebrow. "I think a night's rest would help you recover fully," he quickly added.

"That is kind, my lord, but I must be getting back," I insisted. "I insist it isn't safe," he added. "You can be alone in Winterfell as well," he said, and I laughed at the playful banter. 

Lords weren't commonly known for being kind and welcoming.


Despite Robb's initial suggestion that I be left alone, he remained faithfully by my side throughout the night and morning.

As I mounted my horse, his gaze followed with genuine fascination. "Thank you for your kindness, my lord," I expressed, looking down at him. "It was my pleasure," he replied.

"Perhaps I could escort you back to Karstark," he proposed. "That is kind, my lord, but I should be okay," I gracefully declined his offer.

"I insist," he persisted. "My lord, you have other obligations here, I'm sure. Please don't feel pressured to escort me back," I said. "It's no pressure. I could do with some good company perhaps find another reason to protect you," he flirted, and I couldn't help but smile.

"I suppose I've had enough alone time," I said, and his smile widened. His persistent efforts to spend more time with me were not going unnoticed, and I welcomed the subtle advances.


not too keen on this one I can't lie 😖🥴

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not too keen on this one I can't lie 😖🥴

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