Baby wolfs - Robb Stark

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A sudden force against my legs sent me tumbling to the ground, and a groan escaped my lips as I instinctively reached for my aching elbow. Amidst the momentary disorientation, I felt the familiar touch of fur brushing against my legs, and with a bemused smile, I scolded, "You silly wolf."

A helping hand extended towards me, and as I accepted the assistance, I found myself face to face with Robb, his expression etched with concern. "Are you alright, my love?" he inquired, his worry palpable. I nodded, inspecting my scuffed elbow, and couldn't help but playfully scold, "You need to take better care of your pet."

Robb chuckled, defending the furry companion, "He's just looking out for you." My response was a pointed glare directed at him "he's far too affectionate," I remarked as the wolf nuzzled against my legs, prompting a soft smile from Robb. "He cares, that's all," he insisted, and together, we resumed our journey indoors, the dire wolf faithfully trotting alongside us.

"He's massive, when he shows me affection, he smothers me," I remarked, prompting a laugh from Robb. "We have that in common," he admitted, earning a playful slap on the arm from me. As we continued walking, Robb disclosed, "I just wanted to see you off, we'll be back early tomorrow."

"Be safe and careful," I said, leaning up to give him a tender kiss, a silent expression of my love and concern.


The following morning, my slumber was interrupted by the lively antics of three figures. A familiar voice admonished them, "Boys, stop pestering your mother." As the haze of sleep lifted, I found myself greeted by the joyful presence of my three sons and my husband, their faces beaming with enthusiasm. As I ruffled the hair of our youngest, Olly, I couldn't help but inquire about the outcome of their hunting expedition.

"How did the hunt go?" I queried, my curiosity piqued. The eldest, Eddard, responded with infectious excitement, sharing vivid details of their adventure. Their animated storytelling filled the room, and I couldn't suppress a smile at the sheer joy radiating from them. Robb, observing the scene with admiration, smiled in contentment at his thriving family.

"Out you go, boys I need to speak with your mother," Robb directed, effortlessly lifting two of them and ushering them out the door. Alone with him, he approached me, a hint of shyness in his demeanour. "Did you miss me?" he teased, settling in front of me. I chuckled, "I quite enjoyed the bed to myself."

"I need to speak with you," he said, a trace of uncertainty in his voice. Concern flashed through my mind, and I probed, "What's wrong?" He hesitated before urging, "It might be better if I show you, but you have to promise not to be mad."

"What did you do?" I asked a note of caution in my voice, leaning away from his touch. "Just promise," he insisted, assisting me out of bed. "Fine, I promise," I grumbled, donning a robe as he led me towards the courtyard.

Gasping, I beheld our three boys, each cradling a dire wolf pup. "Robb!" I exclaimed, a mix of surprise and reproach colouring my tone. He wore a guilty expression, retreating towards the boys as if using them as a shield. "You promised not to get mad," he reminded me, gesturing towards the boys and their adorable new companions.

"Can we keep them, please?" our middle son, Flynn, pleaded with a pouting face. Sighing, I relented, extending my hand to one of the pups who immediately nuzzled against it. 

"Fine, you can keep them," I conceded, giving in to their infectious excitement. The boys erupted into cheers, enveloping me in a collective hug before dashing off with their newfound furry friends.

Robb returned to my side, embracing me from behind. I smiled as I watched the retreating figures, easing into his touch as he kissed the top of my head. "I love you," he whispered, his gentle caresses soothing any lingering worries.


stop this one is so cute 🐺🖤

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stop this one is so cute 🐺🖤

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