Set fire to the rain - Theon Greyjoy

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I let it fall, my heart and as it fell, you rose to claim it it was dark and I was over until you kissed my lips and you saved me. My hands, they're strong but my knees were far too weak to stand in your arms without falling to your feet.

Every moment spent with Theon, my guard was unwillingly lowered. There was an undeniable serenity, a state where worries dared not intrude, and all I allowed myself to do was revel in the pure bliss of loving him.

Seated beside him at the bustling Tavern, Theon's laughter harmonized with Jon and Robb's, creating a lively backdrop. His hand rested gently on my leg, a subtle gesture of connection  "So, what do you think?" Jon's voice jolted me from my dreamlike state. "About who would win in a sword fight against us?" Robb chimed in, and a smile adorned my face.

"Do I answer truthfully?" I teased, meeting Robb's expectant gaze. With a nod, I turned to Theon, who was already fixated on me. "I'm sorry, my love, but it has to be Jon," I admitted, and in an instant, Theon's smile vanished while Jon celebrated in the background.

As I gently kissed Theon's cheek, his frown deepened, and he redirected his attention to the company of the boys. Engaging in idle chatter with the girl Robb had brought along, I felt Theon's hand gradually withdrawing from my leg. Glancing back at him, I noticed it now rested at his side. Naively, I continued my conversation, oblivious to the storm brewing within Theon's thoughts.

Little did I realize, his mind was a whirlwind of uncertainties. His love seemed to waver, and he struggled to pinpoint the cause. While I engaged in casual banter with the girl, Theon's watchful eyes lingered on me briefly before returning to his friends, concealing the internal turmoil that gripped his heart.

There's a side to you that I never knew, never knew all the things you'd say were never true, never true and the games you play you would always win, always win.


I set fire to the rain watched it pour as I touched your face well, it burned while I cried 'cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name .

"So what, you're just going to break up with me like I'm one of your whores?" I spat out the words, my anger bubbling to the surface. The room felt charged with tension.

The dim light in the room flickered, casting shadows that mirrored the turbulence in my emotions. Theon, standing across from me, seemed unmoved by the accusation. His gaze, once tender and familiar, now carried a distant uncertainty that fueled my frustration.

I took a step closer, desperately seeking answers. "What did I do tell me, Theon I deserve an explanation," I demanded, my voice trembling with a mix of hurt and anger.

He sighed, avoiding eye contact as he struggled to articulate the unspoken reasons behind his decision. "It's not about you," he began, his words slicing through the charged atmosphere. "It's just things have changed I need to figure things out on my own."

The injustice of his words stung, and I couldn't contain my disbelief. "Changed? What changed? You can't just drop this on me without a reason, without any explanation we were happy, damn it!"

Theon's eyes finally met mine, and there was a sadness in them that mirrored the ache in my chest. "It's not about happiness or unhappiness It's about me, about what I need right now," he explained, though his words offered little solace.

Frustration boiled over, and I couldn't hold back the bitterness in my retort "And what about what I need what about the promises you made or are those just words you throw around like scraps to a dog"

His expression tightened, a mix of guilt and discomfort "I never meant to hurt you," he insisted, but his attempt at reassurance only fueled my anger.

"Breaking up out of the blue without any valid reason that's not just hurt, Theon that's betrayal," I shot back, my voice trembling with a potent mix of anger and hurt.

As the weight of our unravelling relationship hung in the air, the echoes of our conversation reverberated, leaving behind a bitter taste of betrayal and unanswered questions. 

Cause there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew all the things you'd say were never true, never true and the games you play you would always win, always win.


Sometimes, I wake up by the door that heart you caught must be waitin' for you even now, when we're already over I can't help myself from lookin' for you.

I watched from a distance as Theon carried on with his life, seemingly unburdened by the weight of our shared history. The ache in my chest intensified each time I glimpsed his carefree laughter it was as if the pain of our parting hadn't left its mark on him.

Even now, when we were already over, I couldn't help myself from looking for him in crowded rooms or catching a fleeting glimpse of his figure in the distance. My heart betrayed me, holding onto the hope that, perhaps, he would turn around, recognize the void left in our wake, and come back.

I set fire to the rain watched it pour as I touched your face well, it burned while I cried 'cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name and I threw us into the flames when we fell, somethin' died 'cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time.


Adele eats every time 🤭 👏🏼

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Adele eats every time 🤭 👏🏼

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