Bold whispers - Theon Greyjoy

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I clarified, "We were only talking," as Theon continued glaring at me. "Robb, Jon, do you mind leaving us alone?" he asked, prompting the two men to get up.

"Robb, Jon, stay," I said, looking at them, and they sat down again. "No," Theon said, and they stood up once more. "I said stay, so they're staying they should be allowed to hear how ridiculous you're being as well," I argued, glaring at the two brothers who reluctantly sat down again, heads bowed.

"Me being ridiculous?" he said, stepping closer to me, and I nodded. "Yes, all I did was ask the boy for another loaf of bread," I defended as Theon laughed. "It was the way you said it," he quickly added.

"Yeah, and how exactly did I say it?" I spat. "Could you please be a darling and get us more bread," he imitated in a sickly sweet voice, and I gasped. "I don't sound like that," I argued, shooting another glare at the brothers who were stifling laughter.

I slowly backed away as Theon called out after me, "Do you ever shut the fuck up?" I yelled growing frustrated, and he widened his eyes. "Me shut up?" he asked, pointing at himself. "I can make you whimper with a slight touch," he added, and my head shot in the direction of the brothers who were staring at us with wide eyes.

"Out," I commanded, and both brothers immediately got up, bolting out of the room. My cheeks were tinged red as I squinted at a smirking Theon.

With an air of arrogance, Theon remarked, "What's the matter, darling? Don't they need to witness how ridiculous I'm being?" His tone was laced with mockery, further fueling my frustration.

Defiant, I retorted, "You're pushing it, Theon." Undeterred, he took a step closer, his hand reaching out to grab my arm. Pulling me into him, he whispered menacingly, "One touch."

Despite his words, I locked eyes with him, a steely determination in my gaze. "You might regret that," I warned, my voice low and firm. The room was charged with tension as we stood in a standoff, neither willing to back down.

Theon maintained his smirk but released his grip, stepping back with a taunting glint in his eyes. As I gathered my composure, I asserted, "Think twice before underestimating me, Greyjoy."

"I'm going to remember this" I warned trailing my hand across his jaw, his eyes following my touch carefully "We'll see who's really whimpering."

The lingering tension hung in the air, leaving an unspoken challenge between us.


Jon and Robb 🫨🫨

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Jon and Robb 🫨🫨

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