Cradle of promises - Theon Greyjoy

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"The babe is doing well you must ease your anxieties," Theon reassured, pressing a gentle kiss on my forehead. I nodded slowly, determined not to succumb to excessive stress and worry this time. "I can't bear another loss," I admitted, and he nodded in understanding.

"You have an abundance of support anything you require, you will receive we're in this together," he assured, alleviating my concerns "I must leave now, but if you need anything, I'll be there in an instant," he added before exiting the room.

It was uncommon for men to invest much attention in their wives' pregnancies, but in a union founded purely on love, the dynamics were notably different.

"Lyra, could you please fetch me some water?" I requested, gazing at the vacant jug. "Of course, my lady," she responded, briskly leaving the room. Hoping for the relief of sleep, I attempted to close my eyes, only to be disappointed.

Carefully rising from the bed, I used the post for stability. My handmaiden had not returned, and I suspected she had been sidetracked by another task.

Leaving the room, I traversed the empty corridors. The weight of my weariness seemed to press upon me as I descended the long stone steps. Midway down, an unexpected stumble disrupted my fragile balance. A gasp escaped my lips as I helplessly tumbled down the remaining steps, each unforgiving stone inflicting its measure of pain.

Lying at the foot of the stairs, my heart raced with a mix of fear and pain. Panic set in as my hands instinctively cradled my pregnant stomach. A chilling awareness enveloped my body, and against my wishes, my vision succumbed to an encroaching darkness.

At that moment, the world seemed to blur, and the unknown fate of both myself and the life within me hung in the balance. The overwhelming uncertainty and vulnerability intensified as the shadows of unconsciousness embraced me.


As consciousness gradually reclaimed me, I found a maester hovering anxiously over me, and Theon, holding my hand, sat on the bed beside me. At that moment, a flood of memories rushed back, and I instinctively withdrew my hand from Theon's, placing it protectively over my stomach.

"The babe?" I inquired, anxiety lacing my trembling voice, and tears streaming down my face. "Everything's alright," Theon reassured hastily, and I turned to the maester, desperately seeking confirmation. "My lady, the fall only caused mild injuries you and the babe are okay," he affirmed with a comforting tone.

Carefully sitting up in bed, I pulled Theon into a tight embrace, seeking comfort in his presence "I was so scared," I confessed through tears, and he soothingly hushed me, rubbing his hand up and down my back with a comforting rhythm, as my sobs subsided, Theon looked into my eyes, his concern evident.

"I won't leave your side until the babe is safely born," he promised, his voice soft but determined all I could do was nod in return letting him hold me as I gently caressed my stomach. 

"Everything else in the seven kingdoms can wait" he whispered as he wiped the remnants of tears from my face.



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Inspired by that one scene of Meredith Grey falling down the hospital steps, her acting in that scene was incredible 👀👏🏼

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