Hazy nights - Theon Greyjoy

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Opening my eyes with a slow and deliberate pace, I stretched briefly before an unsettling realization took hold. The unfamiliarity of my surroundings hit me, and my gaze darted to the right, revealing an unfamiliar figure sprawled nearby, his face concealed under the sheets. The events of the night before blurred into a hazy recollection.

Throwing the sheets aside, I hastily left the bed exiting the room without a backward glance. Panic loomed as I struggled to recall anything from the previous night, but my mind remained frustratingly blank, clouded only by the throbbing ache of an impending hangover.

Racing down to my cramped quarters, I dressed with urgency, making my way to Sansa's room. "My lady," I greeted, parting the curtains to usher in the morning sun as she sat up in bed.

"What's the matter with you today?" she inquired, stepping out of bed. "Nothing, I just overslept," I lied, attempting to conceal the turmoil within. "Let me help you get dressed," I offered, and she nodded, allowing my dishevelled self to settle.


"My lady, if you require no further assistance, I request I be on my way," I said, and she nodded. I left her room, holding my aching head as I navigated the corridors. All I yearned for was the comforting embrace of my own bed.

"Hello," Theon greeted, coming into view with a bright smile. "Hello," I answered politely, resuming my walk. "Uh," he started speaking again with a confused look as I turned back. "Is something the matter?" I asked.

"You left quite early this morning," he said, and my face fell as realization set in, the unfamiliar figure from this morning was none other than Theon Greyjoy.

He gave me a puzzled look. "You don't remember?" he asked with a disappointed expression. "I'm sorry, I just" I began, but he cut me off. "That's quite alright," he said, speeding past me.

"I just had a bit too much to drink, the night was a little fuzzy, that's all," I said, catching up with him. "Do not worry about it," he said, embarrassment laced in his tone.

"No," I said, demanding him to stop. "You're clearly upset," I added as he exhaled. "Well, it's embarrassing," he started. "I don't exactly remember what happened either," he admitted, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I just recall," he began, trying to conjure up some semblance of the events from the night before. Theon's expectant gaze lingered, both of us trapped in a peculiar limbo of memory loss.

"We entered my room together," he confessed, uncertainty clouding his expression. My eyes widened in surprise, mirroring his own bewilderment. "That's all I remember," he admitted, his voice trailing off.

I nodded slowly, a mixture of confusion and embarrassment playing across my features. "Yeah, same here," I said, scratching my head. "I woke up fully clothed, so I don't think, well, anything happened," I added, a faint blush tingeing my cheeks.

A moment of awkward silence enveloped us as the reality of our shared lapse in memory sank in. We both stood there, grappling with the inexplicable circumstances, unsure of how to navigate the aftermath.

"Well, this is awkward," I mumbled, attempting to diffuse the tension with a nervous chuckle. Theon cracked a half-smile in response, acknowledging the shared discomfort.

"If there's anything, you know, strange or troubling about last night, let me know," he offered his attempt at reassurance feeling feeble in the face of our collective confusion.

I nodded, a grateful expression crossing my face. "Likewise," I said, and we parted ways, both walking away with a lingering sense of embarrassment and an unresolved mystery hanging over our heads. 

The corridors seemed quieter now, and I continued my journey, haunted by the echoes of a night lost to the haze of forgetfulness and alcohol.


I don't like this one that much 😟

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I don't like this one that much 😟

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