Fractured trust - Robb Stark

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Being the wife of the man declared King in the North proved to be a tedious affair, and at times, it felt downright lonely. Most of my days were spent aimlessly wandering around the camp, searching for something to occupy my time.

"Your grace," someone greeted, and I couldn't help but pause, almost amused by the formality. I turned to find a young man looking down at me, and I couldn't help but smile. "Your grace?" I replied with a questioning tone. "Well, what's your name?" I inquired. He looked up, responding, "Lancel."

"Well, Lancel, it's nice to meet you, but I must insist you don't call me your grace," I said, chuckling. "It makes me feel, well, older," I added, and he laughed in response. "Whatever you ask, my lady," he said, and I couldn't help but smile. "See, that's an improvement," I remarked.

It was the most engaging conversation I had had with anyone other than Robb and my handmaiden, and I found myself cherishing the sense of normality it brought back.

"Well, Lancel, I must be off, my husband must be waiting for me," I mentioned as he helped me stand up from my seated position. "I hope to see you around," I added. "Of course, my lady," he replied as I ventured off to find my husband.

"Robb," I greeted, finding him hunched over some maps in our tent. "Where were you?" he asked, glancing up briefly before returning his focus to the maps. "I was just around the camp," I answered, shrugging off my shawl.

"With whom?" he inquired, coming up behind me to place a soft kiss on my now bare shoulder. "Lancel," I replied. "I'm not sure if you've met him," I added, and he shook his head, responding, "Not yet," before resuming his scrutiny of the maps.


A week had passed, and the rigours of camp life were beginning to wear on me. Despite the challenges, I spent more time with Lancel and his friends. Whenever they weren't occupied with sparring and training, we gathered together, engaging in conversations, creating games, and organizing contests.

As I released the arrow, satisfaction spread across my face when it landed precisely in the centre of the target. Lancel and the others cheered around me "You've improved remarkably, my lady," Lancel complimented, taking the bow from my hands.

Playfully, I teased, "I prefer to think it's the countless hours of practice rather than your questionable teaching abilities," as I moved to retrieve my arrow. One of the men insisted on fetching it for me.

The wind picked up, and Lancel observed, "My lady, you are cold." I nodded, rubbing my hands together, and asked Talya my handmaiden to fetch my shawl. Lancel, however, insisted on lending me his cloak. Politely declining, I said, "That's alright I can wait for Talya." He persisted, handing me the cloak, and I draped it over my shoulders.

Unexpectedly, Robb appeared, and the men respectfully acknowledged him as "your grace" quite quickly. Robb's gaze, however, conveyed displeasure. Attempting to explain, I began, "We were just" but he interrupted sharply snapping, "You were what?" his sudden aggression startled me.

"We were playing a game," I answered. Robb's scrutinizing gaze lingered on the cloak around my shoulders. Sighing, I handed it back to Lancel and gently grasped Robb's arm. "Let's discuss this elsewhere," I suggested, not wanting to create a scene. Robb huffed and walked toward our tent.

Inside the tent, "What was that?" I asked as  Robb paced, visibly agitated "What a valid reaction to a wife spending more time with men who aren't her husband" he said catching me off guard.

"What you're suggesting is beyond improper these accusations against your own wife" he interrupted, frustrated, "It was you alone with them what am I supposed to believe?" Hurt filled my voice as I explained, "My handmaiden was with me she had gone to fetch a shawl as it was cold, You can't even trust me?"

His response left me speechless "Look at you," he said, taking my hands in his "What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned immediately becoming defensive

"You are beautiful, kind, the most perfect lady in all the seven kingdoms." he answered "My love you have nothing to worry about" I said placing my hand on his cheek "I just get bored at times"

"I want you to bother me when you're bored and lonely, I want you to come to me." I nodded in understanding "I'm sorry, my love I was just jealous I know you would never do anything like that," he confessed.

"It's okay I understand the burden on your shoulders with the fate of the North," I reassured, "I want you to lean on me," he said "I could always use a break if it means spending time with you," he concluded. 

"Of course my love" I said kissing his lips softly as we stood holding each other for a while in the dimly lit tent.


He forgot he was a literal king for a minute 🤭👑

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He forgot he was a literal king for a minute 🤭👑

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