Lannister games - Oberyn Martell

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House Martell and House Lannister found themselves at opposing ends, a stark contrast due to the tragic death of Elia Martell during Robert's Rebellion.

The grandeur of King's Landing served as the backdrop for the wedding of my nephew Joffrey to his bride Margaery, an event that brought House Martell into the heart of Lannister territory. Oberyn Martell, representing Dorne, stood as a guest for the royal celebration.

Beside my brother Tyrion, along with Bronn and Podrick, we awaited the arrival of our Dornish guests. However, the news struck a disheartening note when we learned that Prince Oberyn himself would attend the royal wedding instead of his brother. Tyrion's expression darkened as we retraced our steps, the anticipation of a welcoming party crushed.

As the announcement echoed, revealing Oberyn's aversion to welcome parties, I couldn't help but jest, "Sounds like someone is losing their head by the end of this" Bronn laughed, while Tyrion wore a concerned look. I merely shrugged, and the men delved into trivial conversation amidst the tension of the impending festivities.


"Prince Oberyn," I greeted amidst the lively sounds of the feast festivities echoing around us. He looked up briefly as I took my seat beside him. "Y/n Lannister," I introduced myself, extending my hand, he took it, placing a firm kiss on the back of it.

"I wasn't aware the Lannister lineage held the capabilities of such captivating looks," he flirted, and I allowed a subtle smile to play on my lips. The Lannisters were renowned for their honey-blonde hair and striking good looks, it was no secret. Yet, to receive such a compliment from a man harbouring resentment towards the name hinted at a genuine sentiment on his part.

"I've learned you don't like welcome parties," I remarked, accepting the goblet of wine he offered. "If I had known my welcome party had such charming individuals, I would've reconsidered," he spoke, his words carrying a hint of sincerity.

Oberyn's eyes held a playful glint as he continued, "Perhaps the gods are kind, offering unexpected delights in the form of captivating Lannisters." His words dripped with a blend of charm and mischief, and I found myself drawn into them.

"Well, Prince Oberyn," I responded with a teasing smile, "it appears the gods have a sense of irony, blessing Dorne with the presence of a Martell known for his captivating allure."

He chuckled, the rich resonance of his laughter mingling with the lively ambience of the feast. Our conversation meandered through various topics.

As Oberyn poured wine into our goblets, his gaze never strayed far "It seems the Lannisters are not only blessed with captivating looks but also with a wit that matches Dornish sun," he remarked, his tone suggestive.

I raised an eyebrow, matching his playful tone. "You flatter us, Prince Oberyn is this your way of ensuring Dorne's welcome for future festivities?"

"Consider it an earnest request," he replied, his gaze unwavering, "for the pleasure of continued delightful conversations."

The flirtatious exchange lingered, adding a layer of intrigue to the festivities. It was a dance of words, a delicate balance between diplomacy and the allure of shared secrets, leaving an indelible mark on the night's revelry.


"What was that?" Tyrion asked as I approached the table where he and Bronn were deep in conversation, nursing several drinks.

"You two were practically eye fucking," Bronn remarked, leaning back in his chair, the level of his sobriety now somewhat questionable.

Amused by the observation, I chuckled at my audacity "I think I may have prevented the loss of a head," I confessed, a playful glint in my eye.

"Well, let's hope so," Tyrion quipped, lifting his drink in a mock toast as he finished off the last remnants of his drink. The air was thick with the shared understanding that sometimes, in the game of thrones, a well-timed flirtation could be as effective as a well-placed blade.


The song Baby by Me by 50 Cent kept playing in my head whilst writing this 😼🥂

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The song Baby by Me by 50 Cent kept playing in my head whilst writing this 😼🥂

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