Tangled fates - Theon Greyjoy

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"He will be giving you away" Ramsay said as a man stepped into the room. "Theon," I whispered, turning my gaze back to Ramsay, whose face bore a sinister smile.

Theon avoided eye contact with me, causing a wave of nausea to sweep over me. I had no desire to marry this man, no desire to be in this place. Yet, here I stood, with no choice in either matter.

The remnants of the earlier meal surged up, and I vomited to the side. "Clean her up and prepare her," Ramsay commanded as he casually exited the room no signs of warmth or empathy in his voice.


"Theon wait" I said getting up as I heard him closing a window "Not Theon my lady, Reek" he said I sat up in bed revealing cuts and bruises along my arms "Help me" I pleaded "You're his wife now" he answered "Theon" I said "Do what he says do what he says or he'll hurt you" he said.

"He already hurts me every night all day I'm locked in this room and every night he comes. It can't be worse." I said "It can. It can always be worse" he said and I stood up "What did he do to you?" I asked and Theon pleaded with me.

He moved to the door and instead, I ran to it blocking him from leaving "You betrayed my family" I yelled wanting him to feel some of the pain I felt "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Theon said and I shook my head "You have to help me" I insisted.

"He'll see us you don't know him" he warned "My family still has friends in the North all I have to do is give a signal and they'll rescue me climb to the top of the Broken Tower, light this candle, and put it in the window promise me, Theon" I said 

"Reek, my lady, Reek" he cried  "Your name is Theon Greyjoy last surviving son of Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands, do you hear me? Theon promise me" I said and he hesitated before nodding and leaving the room.


Days turned into agonizing nights as I awaited Theon's return. Each moment without him felt like an eternity, the flickering candle on the bedside table casting shadows that danced in tandem with my rising anxiety and then, in the stillness of the darkest night, a faint creaking sound echoed through the room, and the door opened slowly, revealing Theon's haggard and remorseful face.

His eyes met mine, and for a fleeting moment, the weight of the guilt he carried seemed to overshadow his very being. Without uttering a word, he moved towards me, a silent apology etched in his every step. I couldn't bring myself to hold back the tears that welled up in my eyes, a mix of relief and gratitude for his return.

"Theon," I whispered, barely able to speak as the overwhelming emotions threatened to choke me. He nodded, a mix of determination and sadness in his gaze. "I can't let this continue," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

In the dim light, I could see the fresh wounds on his body, evidence of the price he had paid for daring to defy Ramsay. Theon's journey to reclaim his identity had been fraught with suffering, but now, with a newfound resolve, he was prepared to help me escape this living nightmare.

Theon's knowledge of the castle's hidden passages and the guard routines became our greatest assets. 

The night of our escape arrived. Theon guided me through the labyrinthine corridors, avoiding the watchful eyes of the guards. Each step felt like a heartbeat, resonating with the shared hope of freedom. Our breaths synchronized in the quiet determination to break the chains that bound us.

As we neared the Broken Tower, Theon paused, a momentary flicker of fear in his eyes. The fire of rebellion burned within us, and together we climbed to the top, the cold wind biting at our faces.

At the summit, Theon lit the candle, its flame flickering as a beacon of defiance against the suffocating darkness that had shrouded us for far too long. A signal to my family, to those who still held loyalty to the name Stark, resonating with the hope that they would come to our aid.

Theon's eyes met mine one last time before we descended from the tower. The unspoken understanding lingered between us, a bond forged in the crucible of suffering. As we slipped through the shadows, the castle walls echoed with the distant howls of hounds and the faint clatter of armour the chaos that would pave the way for our escape.

In the cold night air, we ran towards the uncertain future that awaited us beyond the walls of Winterfell, leaving behind the torment of our shared past. Theon, once Reek, had reclaimed his name, and together, we embarked on a journey for a life unshackled from the horrors of Ramsay Bolton's twisted realm.


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