Confessions - Robb Stark

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"You are one insult away from starting a war against the Frey's" I hissed sharply, glancing at Robb who responded with an exasperated eye roll. The audacious demand from Walder Frey appeared absurd to everyone present, particularly to Robb.

"He expects me to wed his daughter merely for safe passage, a grandiose request for such a trivial favour," Robb retorted, his voice escalating in frustration. Instinctively, I placed a hand over his mouth as onlookers turned their attention towards us. Struggling to maintain composure, I offered polite smiles, assuring everyone that all was well.

A wet sensation on my hand prompted a groan. "Did you just" I began, wiping my hand on my dress, only to be met with a mischievous smile from Robb. "You're a child," I muttered as he revelled in his amusement.

"Robb, you must consider marrying her," I urged, guiding him toward my tent, shielding our conversation from prying eyes. "I have no desire to," he responded plainly, prompting my protest.

"The wedding is our only viable option," I insisted, but he shook his head in defiance. Frustrated, I pinched the bridge of my nose, sighing at his stubbornness. "Why are you refusing?" I demanded.

Stepping closer, he grasped my hands, forcing me to meet his gaze. "Because I wish to marry someone else, someone I truly love," he confessed, his words hanging heavily in the air. I gulped, looking away, unable to confront his sincerity.

"Who is that?" I asked quietly, though I already knew the answer. "You know who it is," he whispered, and I turned to him with newfound courage. "It's you, it's always been you," he admitted, laying bare the depth of his feelings.

His revelation lingered in the air, casting a weighty silence over us. The flickering light of candles in the tent illuminated the intensity in Robb's eyes as he continued to hold my hands firmly.

"I've tried to deny it, convince myself that duty should prevail over the matters of the heart, but it's a futile battle," Robb confessed, his voice a tender whisper that only heightened the gravity of his words. The vulnerability in his eyes mirrored my own inner turmoil, torn between the responsibilities of alliances and the undeniable connection that had grown between us.

I dared to meet his gaze again, searching for reassurance or hesitation, but there was only sincerity "Robb," I began, my voice almost a breath, "the Frey's, the alliances"

He gently silenced me with a finger to my lips, his touch tender yet resolute "I understand the complexities, the politics, but I can't marry someone I don't love, I won't sacrifice my happiness for the sake of duty," he declared, his words resonating with a quiet strength that left me both breathless and conflicted.

As the gravity of his confession sank in, I felt the pull of emotions threatening to overwhelm me "but the consequences, the potential war," I stammered, struggling to articulate the tumultuous thoughts swirling within.

"Love should never be a casualty of war, not for me, not for us," Robb asserted, his gaze unwavering. He closed the distance between us, his thumb gently caressing my cheek as if tracing the contours of a decision we were both reluctant to make.

The realization struck me with a forceful clarity, I too, had been grappling with my feelings, navigating the intricate web of duty and desire. In that moment, within the confines of our sheltered tent, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the echo of our intertwined destinies.

"I can't imagine a life without you," Robb admitted, his vulnerability laid bare. The admission hung in the air, a shared acknowledgement of a love that defied the constraints of politics and duty and in that quiet intimacy, we stood on the precipice of a choice that could alter the course of our lives and the fate of the realms entangled in the intricate dance of power and passion.

"I don't want to imagine a life without you"


All fun and games until the Lannisters send their regards 😖

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All fun and games until the Lannisters send their regards 😖

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