Secrets - Theon Greyjoy

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The nightmare that every unmarried woman dreads in a time period like this had suddenly transformed into my harsh reality. As the news sank in, a nauseating sensation gripped my stomach, and I found myself unable to decipher whether it stemmed from as a symptom of my worst fear or sheer panic.

His inquiry, "Are you sure?" did little to alleviate the turmoil within me. I could only manage a nod, as coherent words eluded me. The expression on his face, coupled with my silent confirmation, intensified the storm of emotions. He ran his hand across his forehead, pacing the room in a display of visible distress.

"Theon, please stop," I uttered softly, halting his hesitant steps. "We must inform your father," he insisted, to which I shook my head. "They will kill you, despite their seemingly good treatment, they will not let this go," I hastily voiced my fears, emphasizing the grave consequences we faced.

"I'm going to my father alone and I will tell him that I am with child but I will not tell him who the father is," I declared, determination weaving through the words.

His protest echoed through the room, a desperate plea for transparency in a situation that was becoming increasingly complex. "We can face this together," he urged, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and genuine care but the potential fallout from my family loomed ominously.

Despite his insistence, I knew the risk was too great. "We can not," I insisted, a sense of urgency driving my words. I could see the turmoil in his eyes, the internal struggle to reconcile his desire to support me with the weight of the secrets we were about to bury.

As I prepared to face my father, I pleaded with him to understand. "Please, Theon, it's the only way," I implored, my eyes searching his for understanding and acceptance. The air between us thickened with unspoken emotions, and at that moment, the decision to shield the truth felt both daunting and necessary.

"I'll support you, but know that keeping such a significant secret will not be without its challenges," he cautioned. The room seemed to hold its breath as we both understood the gravity of the decision we had made. 


Anticipated and yet dreaded, my father's fury erupted when he learned of my situation. The weight of disappointment hung in the air, thick with the gravity of the circumstances. However, as time unfolded, a gradual transformation occurred within him, and against all odds, he found the strength to extend forgiveness.

Now, on the precipice of the ninth month, the castle's walls had become my sanctuary. My chambers, held the silent testimony of the secret I adamantly clung to, concealed from prying eyes and judgmental whispers.

The world outside, teeming with life and whispers of the unknown, felt like an alien realm. Within the stone walls, time seemed suspended, as if the castle itself held its breath.

Theon jumped in from the window and a smile graced my face as he crossed the room, his eyes carrying a mixture of yearning and love.

"I've missed you," he whispered, the words hanging in the air like a shared secret. "I've missed you too, more than words can convey," I confessed.

Theon's eyes searched mine, a silent plea for understanding and forgiveness. "I wanted to be here, with you, every step of the way," he admitted, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken promises. 

"I know," I replied, my fingers gently brushing against his the air seemed to shimmer with the unspoken, a shared acknowledgement of the sacrifices made for the sake of our love.

"I can not wait to meet him or her," he murmured softly, his form gracefully kneeling on the floor as his hands gently cradled my stomach. A smile played on my lips as I met his gaze, feeling a rush of warmth at the tender sight of his anticipation. "Any day now," I replied, the joy in my voice echoing the shared excitement.

"Is everyone still pestering you about who the babe's father is?" he inquired, concern knitting his brows. I shook my head, "The questions have simmered down, it's just my mother and Robb now, still holding out for an answer," I explained.

"Robb probably wants to put a sword through the man," he remarked, a tinge of protective fervour in his tone. I sighed, reaching for his hands and gently nudging him back upright. "Robb wouldn't do that to the father of his niece or nephew," I reassured him. Theon, however, shook his head.

"He would because the father wasn't there for you," he declared, his eyes reflecting a profound sadness. "It wasn't your choice," I offered, placing my hand on his cheek in a comforting gesture.

"This child will know his or her father one way or another," I added, determination lacing my words "I will make sure of it."

"I hope one day we can reveal our secret and live as we want to," he expressed, a wistful note in his voice. I nodded slowly, my hand caressing my stomach with a gentle touch. "One day," I echoed, the shared dream of a future unburdened by secrecy and constraints lingering in the air like a promise yet to be fulfilled.


Kinda rushed it towards the end sorry 🙃

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Kinda rushed it towards the end sorry 🙃

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