Eye for an eye - Jaime Lannister

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I spoke up, meeting Jaime's gaze while the hushed court observed the unfolding drama. "You swore an oath to protect the queen, so now protect her," I implored, a quiet intensity in my voice. "I want an eye for an eye," I declared as Jaime took a step back, remorse clouding his expression. "I swore an oath to protect you, only you," he confessed, and I stepped away, tears welling in my eyes.

I glanced back at my son who sat bloodied and defeated a long gash across his left eye.

Determined, I seized the dagger from Jaime's belt, directing it towards Sansa. She instinctively retreated, shielding her sons, one nursing a bloody nose, the other wide-eyed with fear. Jamie lunged forward, but Sansa caught my hand, forcing me to drop the dagger. The Kingsguard held Jaime back, their struggle audible.

Amidst the tension, Sansa turned the tables, brandishing the dagger at me. My husband, the king, observed from a distance, clearly surprised. "Your son called mine bastards he had it coming," Sansa justified "Because we all know they are, the whole kingdom does" I shouted, revealing the kingdom's secret truth. Sansa's children, seemingly Loras Tyrell's, bore strikingly blonde hair, a stark contrast to both parents' features.

"That is enough" my husband intervened, denying the revelation "I will not have anyone spread such nonsense about my sister" Defiant, I urged Jon to see the truth "Don't you see it, Jon, the whole kingdom does just look at them" within moments, Sansa's dagger sliced through my arm, blood staining the fabric, a painful consequence of unveiling her dirty secret.

As Jaime finally broke free from the Kingsguard, my husband rushed forward to stand by our side. 

"You are weak," I spat at Jon, allowing Jaime to guide me away. Glancing back, I saw Sansa smirking, her husband leading her away, leaving the court.


The maester meticulously continued stitching my wound "Your Grace, this will heal, but it will leave a mark," he assured. 

The pain flared, and I winced, casting a glance at my husband who remained steadfastly by my side, concern etched across his face. Jaime, positioned across from me, observed the scene with a mix of empathy and quiet intensity.

Jon, still grappling with the aftermath of the confrontation, voiced his confusion "I don't understand why you pulled a dagger," he questioned, his expression troubled. My pain swiftly transformed into anger, and I shot him a piercing glare "Because you clearly weren't doing anything," I gritted through clenched teeth, the frustration evident in my voice "If you won't protect our children, I'll do it alone."

The room hung heavy with tension as the maester excused himself, leaving us in a charged silence. I felt the searing pain not only from the physical wound but from the deeper wounds of neglect and betrayal.

Attempting to justify himself, Jon spoke, "I was trying to keep the peace, to maintain order in the court." His words, however, did little to quell the rising frustration within me "Keeping the peace at the cost of our family's safety?" I retorted, my voice cutting through the room. 

"I can't believe you'd resort to violence for a petty feud," he shot back, his frustration evident. I clenched my fists, the sting of betrayal intensifying with every word he uttered.

"Petty feud?" I retorted, my voice rising with anger. "This is about our children, Jon, not some political game! I won't stand by and let them suffer because you're too afraid to confront the truth," 

Jon, struggling to maintain composure, argued, "I have to consider the stability of the realm." 

"The realm be damned if it means sacrificing our own blood!" I shot back, my voice sharp and unforgiving. 

Jon, growing visibly frustrated, countered, "What were you thinking?" his words cut through the air, exacerbating the growing divide between us.

"What was I thinking?" I scoffed, the pain and anger blending into bitter sarcasm "I was thinking someone finally had to protect our family when you couldn't." 

Frustration gave way to a profound disappointment as Jon, unable to offer a satisfactory explanation, stormed out of the room. The door slammed shut, echoing the shattered trust and the chasm that had grown between us. 

I turned to Jaime as he stared at me with a longing intensity "I swore an oath," Jaime began with a solemn tone, his voice carrying the weight of a promise he approached me with determined steps, kneeling down beside me, he delicately traced the wound on my arm with his fingertips, a gesture both gentle and reassuring.

"I swore an oath to always protect you," he continued, his gaze unwavering "and I failed in that moment, I failed you, and I won't let it happen again." The sincerity in his words resonated, echoing the depth of his remorse.

His fingers traced the path of the stitches, a silent acknowledgement of the pain I endured. "I'd give my life for you," he declared, the gravity of his vow settling in the air "I won't let any harm come to you, not if I can prevent it."


House of the Dragon inspired if you couldn't tell  🤭 also no hate for my girl Sansa I needed a villain loved writing this icl x 

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House of the Dragon inspired if you couldn't tell  🤭 also no hate for my girl Sansa I needed a villain loved writing this icl x 

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