Closet escape - Jaime Lannister

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"Oh my," I whispered, my heart pounding, as the voices outside grew louder. My eyes widened in shock as Jaime met my gaze with equal concern. Rushing to the window, I peered down, and Jaime's stern warning halted me.

"Are you crazy? If we jump from this high up, we'll die," he exclaimed, pulling me back. Panicking, I scanned the room and urgently directed him, "Into the closet." He shot me a bewildered look, but with a nod, he complied.

"Go," I urged, and he climbed in hoisting me up and into the small space. My back pressed against his chest, feeling his hot breath on my ear. The slightly ajar closet door allowed a sliver of light in. As shuffling echoed around the room, abruptly stopping, Jaime's hand covered my mouth, and I shot him a glare.

Footsteps neared the closet, and my eyes widened. Leaning as far back as possible, the sound of the closet being clicked shut resonated, followed by the distinct click of a lock.

The footsteps retreated and the sound of the room door being closed shut followed. Attempting to move, my hand pressed against the locked closet door, confirming our predicament.

"We're stuck," I sighed, and Jaime groaned, blaming me. "No one told you to follow me," I retorted. "I'm your guard, it's my duty to follow you everywhere," he argued. "Well, you should've talked me out of this," I countered. "I remember telling you that spying on your brother was a bad idea," he reminded me.

"All I wanted was to see if he truly wrote letters to his Dornish lover," I defended. "That is a breach of privacy," he scolded. "How about you get us out of here before I die from a lack of air?" I demanded, shifting around.

"My lady, you must stop moving," he whispered intensely, and I complied. "Jaime, are you" I started, then halted. "Watch yourself, you are my guard, not my man," I asserted "This is something that's out of my control" he retorted and we sat in silence for a couple of minutes the only sound that echoed were my muffled laughs.

"Move over, my lady," he instructed, and I shuffled slightly more carefully this time.

He began hitting the wooden closet with his elbow, the sound of breaking wood becoming apparent. I sighed in relief as a substantial hole appeared, and I carefully climbed out, with Jaime following suit.

I smoothed down my hair, adjusting my dress. "That can be a problem for later," I remarked, eyeing the conspicuous hole in the closet.

"I believe it's best we get out while we still can," Jaime suggested. Smirking, I teased, "We wouldn't want any more incidents," eliciting an eye roll from him "No, my lady," he replied. 

As I opened the room door, I peeked out and dashed down the hall, with Jaime in tow. Reaching my room, I closed the door behind me and bent down, hands on knees, trying to catch my breath.

"Don't ever let me do anything like that again," I exclaimed. Jaime chuckled, saying, "I could try, but we both know you wouldn't listen," earning a playful pout from me.

"Speaking of controlling ourselves," I said, crossing my arms, and he bowed his head. "My lady, I just" he began, his words trailing off. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue, but he seemed at a loss for words.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter, the tension from our earlier predicament dissipating into the air. "You're so easy to annoy," I playfully teased, shaking my head. Jaime looked up, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Perhaps, my lady," he admitted, a faint smile playing on his lips. "But you do have a way of getting into these situations," he added, glancing around as if the walls might spill our secrets.

I grinned, enjoying the banter. "Well, life would be dull without a bit of excitement, wouldn't it?" I mused.

"I find it challenging to resist your impulsive adventures" he confessed 

I burst into laughter at his admission. "Well, I suppose I do have a knack for dragging you into my escapades," Jaime chuckled, "It seems I am at your mercy when it comes to that."

With a smirk, I added, "Admit it, Jaime, the thrill of the unexpected is what keeps things interesting" He couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"I just wanted to ensure your safety, my lady these impromptu adventures are risky," he added 

"Jaime, you sound like a worried mother hen I can handle a bit of excitement now and then," I said, he chuckled, his eyes meeting mine. "It's my duty to protect you, my lady, even from your own mischief."

I playfully nudged him "Well, consider me duly scolded but admit it, the thrill was invigorating."

His expression softened, and he couldn't help but smile. "You do have a way of making even the most perilous situations entertaining."

"See, it's not all bad," I said, grinning triumphantly. "Now, let's keep this between us. I wouldn't want anyone thinking I need constant supervision."

Jaime nodded a twinkle in his eyes. "Your secret adventures are safe with me"


the way I found the silliest reasoning behind the hiding in the closet 😭🫣

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the way I found the silliest reasoning behind the hiding in the closet 😭🫣

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