Beauty and the beast - Ramsay Bolton

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Throughout my life, compliments on my beauty and kindness were as common as the air I breathed, bestowed upon me by people from all walks of life. As I mingled in the grand halls, a voice resonated through, captivating my attention.

"My lady, you are the most breathtaking woman I have ever seen in the seven kingdoms," uttered a gallant figure, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to the back of my gloved hand. With a gracious smile, I inclined my head, acknowledging the compliment with the poise that had become second nature to me.

"You are too kind, my lord," I responded with a soft reply, my eyes reflecting gratitude. Amid this exchange, he diverted the conversation with a gesture towards his son.

"May I introduce you to my son?" he inquired, and I, curious, nodded. With a refined movement, he delicately clasped my hand, leading me towards a young boy whose back was turned to me, shrouded in an air of mystery and anticipation.

"Ramsay, this is lady Y/n" he introduced, a sense of pride colouring his words. "My lady, this is my son, Ramsay."

The young boy offered a tentative smile, "My lady," he spoke, "I hope you find my company agreeable."


As the night bore on Ramsay was captivated by my kindness and warmth, quite the opposite of the reputation he held, we were like polar opposites. 

"It has been nice speaking to you, my lord, but I fear if I do not leave now, you will be stuck with me all night," I playfully remarked, laughter bubbling in the air between us. His lips curled into a wry smile as he responded, "You say that like it's a bad thing, my lady." There was a playful spark in his eyes, a departure from the darkness that usually lingered within them. 

"My lord, you are quite the charmer," I pointed out with a teasing smile. "That I am," he acknowledged, a hint of satisfaction in his response as I bid my farewell.

Making my way to where my friend sat, lost in absentminded sips of her drink, I couldn't help but intervene. Grabbing the goblet from her hands, I gently scolded, "My darling, you are going to get yourself sick," to which she whined in protest.

"Go back to the Bolton bastard," she grumbled, and I reacted swiftly, placing my hand over her mouth. "Dyana, watch your tongue," I whispered, my voice cautionary. "Those are unkind words," I added, slowly removing my hand as she rolled her eyes.

"I saw you and him," she continued, her tone filled with observation. "You were completely taken by him." I shook my head, attempting to dismiss her observations. "Dyana, I was merely being polite," I explained, my eyes scanning the room in search of him.

"You are loving, softhearted, and most importantly, captivating," she insisted. "I've seen your politeness with other lords, and I've seen your politeness with him," she continued her words carrying a weight of caution. 

"We were simply getting acquainted," I defended. "Don't be naive," she warned, her words lingering as a cautionary note. "You are the beauty, and he is a beast, you need to be careful," she added, her concern palpable.

"Dyana, I appreciate the insights, but I am no longer a child," I asserted. "Then don't act like one," she retorted, brushing past me and leaving me standing alone, confused.

"Are you alright my lady" Ramsay approached me once again, inquiring about my well-being, I turned to him with a smile. "Yes, my lord, we had a mere disagreement," I quickly assured him.

"I believe our parents have something they would like to discuss with us," he suggested, offering his arm. Glancing in the direction Dyana had vanished, I saw her staring back at me before sipping her drink. Returning my attention to Ramsay, I nodded "Yes, my lord," I replied, accepting his outstretched arm.

My gaze lingered on Dyana, who walked away and disappeared into the crowd, her cautionary words echoing in my mind like a subtle warning


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