Snowy mayhem - Robb Stark

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A sudden, icy impact against my back elicited a groan, prompting me to turn around swiftly. There, standing with a mischievous grin and a clenched fist of more icy ammunition, was my son, Flynn, looking guiltily satisfied. "Flynn, if that snowball of yours makes another exit from your hands, you'll be facing some serious consequences," I warned, narrowing my eyes at him while he giggled in delight.

"Go," a voice commanded, and in an instant, a barrage of small snowballs rained down upon me. Laughter and shouts filled the air as I hastily sought refuge, making my way through the chaos. "You boys are in trouble," I declared, peering cautiously from my hiding spot, spotting familiar brown curls scattered throughout the courtyard.

"No, you're not," echoed Robb's voice from across the snowy battlefield, and I couldn't suppress a laugh.

"This is hardly fair!" I protested, my voice carrying across the courtyard. "Four against one!" A collective sigh seemed to resonate from the snowy landscape, prompting me to begin crafting my own arsenal of snowballs, strategically placing them at my feet.

As I crouched behind my icy fortress,  I noticed a change in Olly's expression. The youngest of our sons, he seemed to be wrestling with a sense of empathy. Perhaps moved by a twinge of guilt, Olly's mischievous grin transformed into a thoughtful frown.

Sensing an opportunity to bridge the snowy divide, I locked eyes with Olly, giving him a playful wink. In that moment, a silent understanding passed between us, and Olly's resistance crumbled. With a decisive nod, he abandoned his position alongside Flynn and Eddard, venturing towards my side of the courtyard.

"Alright, Olly!" I said encouragingly, as he took his place beside me, I handed him a freshly crafted snowball, a small, grateful smile spread across his face

The shift in alliances didn't go unnoticed by Flynn and Eddard, who exchanged puzzled glances. However, the allure of Olly's empathy proved contagious. Observing their youngest brother's change of heart, Flynn couldn't resist the pull.

With a mischievous grin of my own, I gestured to Flynn, inviting him to join our united front.

"Now that is unfair!" Robb called out, a playful protest echoing across the courtyard. I merely shrugged, maintaining a smirk, and declared, "The boys have made their choice."

"Eddard knows where the winning side is!" Robb boasted confidently. However, as I glanced at Eddard, confusion etched across his face. His eyes darted between his mother and father, contemplating the decisive moment. Eventually, he succumbed to the gravitational pull of unity, abandoning Robb and sprinting across the courtyard to join our alliance. 

Robb, now the sole target of our playful vendetta, found himself surrounded by determined assailants armed with snowballs and grins.

I gave them a nod, signalling the commencement of our coordinated assault. The courtyard fell into a brief hush, broken only by the muffled sounds of snow crunching beneath our feet.

"Ready... Aim..." I whispered, and with a shared glance, the onslaught began. The first snowball soared through the crisp winter air, followed by a cascade of others. The laughter and gleeful screams from everyone filled the atmosphere, creating a symphony of joy amid the snowy chaos.

Robb attempted to shield himself with a makeshift snow barricade, but the combined forces proved overwhelming. Snowballs pelted him from all sides, creating a spectacle of wintery mayhem. The courtyard echoed with the satisfying splat of snow meeting its target, punctuated by bursts of laughter and triumphant shouts.

Robb retaliated with a few well-aimed snowballs of his own, but the numerical advantage was clearly in our favour, realizing the odds were stacked against him, he decided to take a bold strategic move. 

With a burst of laughter, he dashed across the courtyard, closing the distance between us. In a playful manoeuvre, he scooped me up, using me as a makeshift shield against the relentless barrage of snowballs.

As Robb lifted me off the ground, I couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter, my screams mingling with the joyful chaos around us. The unexpected turn of events elicited a chorus of giggles from our sons who momentarily halted their assault, surprised by their father's daring tactic.

"Truce! Truce!" I called out between laughs, raising my hand in a gesture of surrender. Robb, with a mischievous grin, echoed the sentiment, "Truce it is!" Our impromptu ceasefire was met with cheers from the boys, who quickly abandoned their positions and joined us in the centre of the courtyard.

As we stood together, snow-covered and breathless Robb set me down and we exchanged playful glances, holding each other close as we admired our family.


sort of a part two to the Baby wolfs one but can also be read as a stand-alone ❄️💞

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sort of a part two to the Baby wolfs one but can also be read as a stand-alone ❄️💞

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