You don't own me - Ramsay Bolton

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You don't own me I'm not just one of your many toys you don't own me don't say I can't go with other boys and don't tell me what to do don't tell me what to say and please, when I go out with you don't put me on display 'cause..

It was no secret that Ramsay was possessive, he would do just about anything to let everyone know I was his and he was mine, it was almost frustrating at times.

The chamber was bathed in the flickering glow of candlelight, creating a play of shadows that danced across the room. In the quiet intimacy, I mustered the courage to address the palpable tension between us.

"Ramsay, we need to talk." he met my gaze, his eyes guarded, waiting for the impending conversation "About what?"

My eyes fixed on the flames, I took a deep breath, choosing my words with care "Your jealousy is becoming suffocating." Ramsay's brows furrowed, a defensive stance settling in. "I'm just protective of what's mine you know that."

I met his gaze, the firelight reflecting the frustration in my eyes. "I'm not an object to be owned, Ramsay tonight, you slashed Samwell across the leg for just talking to me it's too much."

Ramsay leaned back, arms crossed, a veil of brooding silence descending upon them like my words meant nothing. 

"This isn't about them it's about us I want to be with you because I choose to, not because you've marked your territory." His stoic expression wavered, revealing a flicker of vulnerability.

"I just don't want to lose you." he admitted "I get that but constantly feeling like I'm under a watchful eye, like I can't even have a conversation without it becoming a scene it's driving me mad."

A pause lingered in the air as Ramsay absorbed my words, the only sound being the crackling of the fireplace. "I didn't realize it bothered you that much."

I nodded, my eyes unwavering. "Well, it does I need you to trust me, Ramsay and I need space to breathe."

Ramsay, reflecting, seemed to soften his defensive posture "I'll try to tone it down I just can't help but worry." Smiling, I reached for his hand.

"I know and I appreciate that but trust goes both ways we can't thrive if we're suffocating each other."

We sat in the quiet chamber, the warmth of the fire casting a gentle glow on our faces as we navigated the delicate dance between love and independence.

I don't tell you what to say I don't tell you what to do so just let me be myself that's all I ask of you.


let's be fr he would not tone down the jealousy also this is written very sloppy sorry 😭🤞🏼

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let's be fr he would not tone down the jealousy also this is written very sloppy sorry 😭🤞🏼

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