Chapter 60: Masters of All Time.

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Here we see (F/N) and the others are Nasty Burger where we cut to Danny.

Danny: Ah, Nasty Burger. Our safe haven away from the worries of- *Cut off by Jazz entering dramatically through the duel doors.*

Jazz: Danny, (F/N), Paulina Run!

Danny: Run, Why Should we?

Paulina: Yeah why?

Just then we see Jack and Maddie come in wearing 80s style clothes.

Jack and Maddie: Dude!

The teen patrons gasp which turns to laughter directed at Danny, (F/N), Paulina, and Jazz. Enraged by this, (F/N) stomped her foot down making the whole restaurant shake as everyone stopped laughing and flinched when they saw (F/N) glaring at them with red in her eyes.

(F/N): *Silently angry* Laugh at my friend's parents, and my girlfriend and you deal with me. Got it?

Everyone nodded fearfully and looked away out of fear of what (F/N) might do to them.

Jazz: *to Sam* If anyone asks, I'm related to you.

Sam: Okay, but you're gonna have to be way less cheery.

Jack: We're, like totally late for 80s night at the Material Grill.

Maddie: But you like totally forgot your wallet, man. *Gives Danny his wallet*

Danny: Uh, thanks.

Jack: Don't mention it. We love you, man. *To (F/N)* And dudette

Danny: *Crushed by Maddie's hug.* *To (F/N)* If I pass out, I give you permission to not resuscitate me.

Jack: Come on, Maddie. Let's crank up the tunes and moonwalk outta here.

Maddie: Oh, just like our college days. *Oddly impressive moonwalking ensues.*

(F/N): Okay that was actually kind of impressive.

Paulina: Yeah it was.

Sam: Cheer up, Danny. I'm sure there's a couple of kids who didn't see that.

Just then we see Mikey slide on screen with a video camera.

Mikey: Oh, this one's going straight to the inter-


Mikey was cut off when everyone gasped as they all saw his camera was cut in half and it dropped to the floor as the camera pans to (F/N) filing her nails showing that she was the one who cut the camera.

She then stomped on the sliced half for good measure, crushing it to bits as she glared at Mikey, who was whimpering in terror, stumbled and fell back and crawled back against the wall when (F/N) walked right up to him.

(F/N): Go.

Mikey ran out the door leaving the restaurant.

(F/N): Good riddance, *sees the looks she's getting* What?

Tucker: You are seriously twisted.

(F/N): *Smiles* Thanks.

Paulina: *Kisses (F/N) on the lips* That was so hot sweetie.

(F/N): *Blushes* Um, heh, thanks hun.

Paulina: Anytime mi amor.

Danny: *A little more than exasperated.* DAUH! *Gets up and leaves the restaurant*

Sam, (F/N), Paulina, and Tucker: Danny! Wait!

Danny: Just once, I'd like to know what it's like to live in a normal family.

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