The Unforgiving Night

Start from the beginning

Clint: People who choose to stay with us have to deal with us bossing them around. Not saying you wouldn't, but it can be an adjustment.

Andy: Especially for the more... independent-minded. Mainly because there's no structure out there anymore. Everyone here gets used to doing what they please.

Clementine Pov:

A while after Javi left, Ava came down to get Eleanor. She was shocked to see us but said she had heard people saying someone was back but she never figured out what they were talking about. 

She promised she would help Omid and Christa get us out before she left, leaving Tripp, Kenny, Yhwach, Sarah, Lee, Conrad and I alone in the cell. Kenny argued that we should find a way to break out of here, but Lee disagreed. He said it would be harder to get revenge if we did that. 

He was right, but Sarah and I still looked around anyway, just to make Kenny feel better. We checked everything, tried everything, but there was no way out. 

Kenny: Fuck! I got a real bad feeling Lee. We know these people. They're ruthless. Careless, FUCKIN' HEARTLESS. 

Kenny snapped before looking at Lee. 

Kenny: They took AJ from us, when they could have just helped him when we asked, it took us trying to steal medicine and getting kicked out for them to help?

Clementine: All the more reason to stay and play by their rules. I want easy access. I want them to not expect it. And I want answers. Is AJ alive? 

Lee said causing him to sigh. 

Conrad: So wait? Y'all were kicked out?

Conrad questioned confused. 

Lee: For trying to steal medicine for a sick child. They didn't want to help and now we want to know what happened to him and deal with it accordingly.

Lee spoke up. 

Tripp: And if he died?

Tripp questioned staring at us curiously. 

Clementine: Then they die too.

I responded seriously.

Yhwach, who had been observing the interactions silently, spoke with a calm and measured tone, his gaze focused on the group.

Yhwach: Vengeance is a powerful drive, especially when fueled by the injustices inflicted upon loved ones. However, it is essential to tread carefully. Blind rage can cloud judgment and lead to unforeseen consequences.

He paused, allowing his words to settle in the air before continuing.

Yhwach: Our current situation demands strategic thinking. Revenge should not be a reckless pursuit; it must be a calculated response. There is strength in unity, and we must leverage that strength to navigate this delicate web of alliances and tensions.

Lee nodded in agreement, acknowledging the wisdom in Yhwach's words.

Lee: Yhwach is right. We need a plan, not just a knee-jerk reaction. The last thing we want is to make things worse for ourselves and end up back on the road or in a worse situation.

Conrad leaned against the cell bars, crossing his arms.

Conrad: So, what's the plan, then? We just sit here and wait for them to decide our fate?

Yhwach: No, Conrad. We gather information, identify our allies, and understand the dynamics at play. Patience is a virtue in times like these.

There was silence for a second before we heard someone approaching the door. The door unlocked and opened revealing Omid. 

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