61: I'll Be Right There

Start from the beginning

"Thank you." Orion said through a small shaking voice.

"Don't thank me yet." Nyx responded without taking her eyes off Damien. He was walking towards them again. "This guy leaves no openings..." Nyx said to herself as she narrowed her eyes. "I can't keep shifting like that or I'll burn out...then I'll really be done for."

"Talking to yourself now?" Damien responded quizzically. "And I thought I was the crazy one." He said as he continued his advance.

"Nyx!" She turned around when she heard Oliver's voice. He was running towards her with Danny at his side. "The civilians are safe. We're here to help." The group looked at Damien as he started laughing.

"You won't be able to help her." Damien said darkly be he quickly lifted both his arms towards the sky in a twisting gesture and a strange ethereal moaning sound started sounding through the entire area. The four of them looked around as wolves formed out of pure shadow started to emerge from the walls of the box. Growling and snarling as they stood in an aggressive position, they waited for their masters order. There had to be at least 20 of them, all with glowing red marbles for eyes.

"Keep those three busy." He said with a wave of his hand before he looked at Nyx. "I have a date." Damien said as he smirked devilishly. The wolves took off towards Oliver, Danny and Orion. Danny looked afraid, he didn't have a weapon, and a power that he was beginning to doubt all over again. Nyx watched her friends fight off the shadow wolves before she was suddenly gripped by the throat again and thrown to the side. She slammed into the wall of the box with a choking sound that barely made a noise. She fell down to the ground with her back against the wall. Damien was quickly in front of her and slammed a foot down onto her shoulder. She grunted in pain as Damien leaned down close to her face.

"You shouldn't lose focus, it could be dangerous." Damien purred quietly before Nyx glowed again and Damien was sent backwards into the air. The same manic grin never left his face as he sent his arms downward as they crossed. Shadow tendrils shot out from the shadows under his clothes and tried to stab into Nyx. She gasped in shock before she instinctively shifted out of the way. When she reached her end point, her stomach started to feel queasy. Fuck, I have to stop shifting...it takes too much energy. Nyx thought to herself before she realized what Damien was doing. He was purposely using high speed attacks to force Nyx to waste her energy. "Believe it or not." Damien spoke to Nyx as he slid one hand through his hair to get it out of his face, and his other hand into his pocket. "I don't want to kill you too fast. As I'm sure you've guessed, my target is Nathan." Nyx's brow furrowed in anger and Damien hummed in amusement. "Yes... however I know that if I go for him directly he will simply take control of my mind. So I must break his mind first." Nyx's eyes widened. "What better way to break his mind than to drop your lifeless corpse at his feet?" Damien asked rhetorically before he dropped into his shadow again. Nyx's hands trembled as her mind raced. He said he didn't want to kill me too fast, but if I don't react fast enough...I'm dead. Nyx thought in her mind as she moved her eyes to scan the area. She saw her friends still taking out wolves, any time they had tried to help her, a wolf had gotten in their way. She also saw that Danny had picked up a thick looking stick to use as a weapon and it seemed to be working for him.

Nyx quickly heard a small sloshing sound behind her and she knew that Damien was emerging from the ground. She whipped around and saw nothing and her heartbeat quickened. "Nyx!" She suddenly heard Danny yell and she looked behind her. She pivoted her body and narrowly avoided a shadow spike before Damien flew out of the wall of the box and landed a hard punch on her cheek. When he landed and slid across the ground a bit, he sunk down into his shadow again. Nyx recovered and rubbed her cheek to ease the pain, Damien was a hard hitter. Another spike shot towards her from her left, way too fast to react without shifting. She had no choice and shifted again, away from the wall. She groaned slightly as her chest started feeling tight. If she didn't take it easy it would start doing real damage.

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