57: Reconciliation

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Rhys paused for a moment before he groaned, "After all that pushing I did to get Nate and Nyx together...dammit, I need to take my own advice." Rhys rubbed his hands on his eyes again to relax his scowl.

"Nerissa should be in her room I think, but she might be with Nyx and Soul." Orion said flatly again before he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.

"That's fine, I need to apologize to all of them anyway." Rhys said in a quiet tone before he turned around and walked back inside.


"Why is he being such an ASSHOLE?!" Nerissa shouted in anger as she paced back and forth in front of Soul and Nyx as they sat on Nyx's bed. Even though it was the day after the fight in the mess hall, Nerissa was still angry.

"I knew that Rhys didn't exactly trust Orion, but throwing him across the room seemed to be a little extreme." Nyx responded passively as she watched Nerissa pace back and forth.

"I'm kinda concerned about Danny as well, he was...really mad." Soul looked down into her lap and fidgeted with her fingers. The girl's conversation was interrupted by a knock at Nyx's door. Nerissa walked over angrily and whipped it open while beginning to yell out, expecting it to be Rhys. But it was Oliver, holding his hands up with slight shock at suddenly having such an angry emotion thrown towards him.

"Oh, it's just you." Nerissa sounded almost disappointed before she turned around and walked back into the room.

Oliver snickered slightly, "Good to see you too." Oliver responded sarcastically before he entered the room and shut the door behind him. "So, I hear I missed out on a fight? The one time I didn't get dinner." Oliver added in a slightly disappointed tone as he slumped against the wall by the door.

"Rhys really did something dumb." Nyx piped up as she looked at her newly discovered half brother. "He kind of...threw Orion across the mess hall, he was acting like he wanted to kill him." Nyx said as she recalled the events of the previous day.

"Woah, really? I mean I knew Rhys hadn't warmed up to him yet but something really had to have-" Oliver cut himself off and it looked like he had an epiphany. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a quick series of knocks at Nyx's door. Oliver turned and opened the door and saw Rhys with a surprised look on his face.

"Oliver?" Rhys said in subtle surprise before Oliver stepped to the side and revealed the ladies in the room. Nerissa inhaled swiftly through her nose as she eyed him. Rhys stepped into the room, "I'm actually glad all of you are here." Rhys turned to Nerissa. "Rissa, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me...and I'm sorry that I almost called you...the S-word." Rhys cupped his hand around his mouth and whispered the last bit.

Nerissa looked over at Nyx and Soul for a moment before Nyx spoke up. "Have you apologized to Orion?"

"Yes. He was the first one I spoke to, and I know that I have to patch things up with Danny too." Rhys said as he rubbed his jaw where Danny had socked him. "That guy has a nasty right hook."

"Woah, Danny tagged ya?" Oliver said with a small laugh. "Damn, you must've REALLY pissed him off." Oliver said quietly as he scratched the side of his head. Rhys glared at Oliver from the corner of his eye before he spoke again.

"Yes, I really pissed him off. So, do you know where he is?" Rhys asked the group. Nerissa held up her hand in front of her.

"Hang on, you can't just give me a half assed apology and then run off to find Danny." Nerissa said as she stepped towards him. "Why the hell did you do that to Orion?"

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