Part 153

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Maya POV

"Mommy!" Elva called for me for what felt like the sixtieth time this morning.

"One minute El," I shouted back, running my fingers through my hair as I stood in the doorway of Winter's future bedroom, staring at the mess.



I turned away from the room and went to see what she wanted.

"You really did pick the worst time to injure your knee didn't you?" I said, walking over to the sofa.

She looked up at me, not fully understanding my sarcasm.

"What do you want mommy for?" I asked, perching on the edge of the couch.

"Can you play with me mommy? We can build the Lego castle for the princesses," she asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry baby, I really need to try and get a Winter's room finished. Mommy doesn't have time to play right now," I explained sadly.

"Then I help?" She asked, trying to push herself up.

"No no bubbie careful, we can't have your stitches ripping," I said quickly, moving closer to her to stop her getting up.

"We'll go and see Winter and Mama at the hospital later and I'll see if we can get a stronger dressing to cover your knee so you can bend it more," I told her, knowing she couldn't go much longer without having the freedom to move around.

"So no playing?" Elva asked, her bottom lip wobbling a little.

"Not right now baby, I'll take a break in a little while. Why don't you draw Winter a picture to make her feel better?"

"Mommy can set you up with your colours and I'll put a movie on?" I offered.

"Finish Matilda?" She asked, her mood lifting a little.

"Of course," I winked, standing up to get everything sorted for her.

I put the movie on and found where she got up to the previous evening before falling asleep and gave her some paper and her colours.

"There's a bottle of juice just there for you too," I told her, tucking her blanket over her legs.

"Kiss?" I said, leaning down.

"Mwahhh," she giggled, laughing as she leant up to kiss me.

"Thank you bubba," I smiled, standing back up straight.

I left her to it and once again headed to Winter's room, not really knowing where to start.

Elva's room now very much looked like it belonged to a little girl. This spare room looked way too grown up for a child to move into it. The bare cream walls and plain, light blue curtains and bedding didn't look very inviting. Plus there was a stationary bike that I used to use as part of my workout.

I very much doubted that I'd get many home workouts in when we had two children.

I was just about to open another draw to start clearing it out when Elva called for me again.



I sighed and headed back out the room, wondering when on earth I'd get the time to finish this room today.

"I should've just sent you into school little lady," I joked, seeing her sat up and looking for me from the sofa.

"Door mommy," she said pointing to the apartment door.

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