Part 67

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Elva POV

"Everything's in her backpack," mommy said, handing it over to Andy.

"She'll probably be ready for bed at about 8:00," mommy said.

"We'll be fine won't we niña?" Andy said, ruffling my hair.

"Thank you so much for doing this," mommy said.

"I told you I'd have her anytime," Andy smiled.

Mommy crouched down in front of me.

"You'll be a good girl for auntie Andy won't you?" She asked me.

I nodded my head.

"I'll come pick you up first thing in the morning baba, and you can FaceTime me and mama before bed," she told me.

I started to feel nervous about her leaving.

I reached out my arms for her.

"Come here Elvie," she said, pulling me towards her.

"Brave little firefight remember," she whispered in my ear.

"Brave like mommy," I nodded.

I kissed her face and made her laugh.

"Have a good time bubs," she said, standing back up.

"Good luck," Andy said to her before she left.

"Thanks, I'll need it," mommy said back.

"Bye baby," she waved.

She closer the front door to her house.

"Why does mommy need luck?" I asked.

"Ermmm," she paused.

"Because she's going to miss you so much," she told me.

"Oh okay," I nodded.

"Hey Elva guess what I've got planned for us tonight?" Andy asked excitedly.

"What?" I smiled, clinging onto her leg.

She lifted me up and sat back down with me on the sofa.

I turned and played with her necklace.

"It's Mother's Day tomorrow, I thought we could make your mommy and mama a card," she told me.

"What's Mother's Day?" I asked.

Andy looked shocked.

Then she looked sad.

"There's a special day every year where everybody celebrates their moms or the special women in their lives. There's a different day for fathers too," she explained to me.

"Do I have to celebrate my real mom?" I asked nervously.

"No not at all hermosa, not at all," she said, stroking my hair back.

"People give their special people cards to show that they love and appreciate them," Auntie Andy said.

"I love mommy and mama," I told her.

"I know you do mija," she smiled.

"I love you too," I said.

She pulled me closer to her and held me.

"I love you more than you could ever know sweet girl," she said softly.

The front door suddenly opened and I jumped back up off Andy's chest.

"Shhh nena it's just Robert," she assured me, stroking her hand down my back.

"Sully?" I asked, tilting my head.

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