Part 42

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Maya POV

"GET OFF HER!" I screamed.



Jane was taking her.

Elva had refused to go so Jane had lifted her up and turned to leave.

I chased them down the stairs and out into the street.
Feeling someone reach out to try and pull me back.

"Mommy!" Elva cried for me.

She was wriggling and fighting with all the strength she had to get away from Jane and back to me.

"STOP, YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" I cried out, chasing them down the road.

They were getting further and further away.

"Mommy hold me," Elva shouted back over Jane's shoulder.

Her face was red from crying.

Jane stoped at a car and opened the door. She threw Elva inside and slammed the door. I tried with everything I had in my to catch up but my legs wouldn't move. Jane got in the car and drove away.

"NO PLEASE!" I screamed, collapsing to the floor.



I felt someone's arms around me, pulling me back.

I tried to shake them off me.

"Maya," they said.

"Maya wake up," they said again.

My eyes flew open and landed on Carina, who had a look of horror mixed with concern across her face.

"Maya you're alright, I've got you ," she said, sitting beside me on the bed and pulling me back into her arms.

I just looked at her as the tears fell.

"Hey hey bellina it's okay, I've got," she repeated.

"She took her," I said.

"Shhhh bellina it's okay. She's here, she's safe," Carina said softly.

I lay in her arms and sobbed.

"You were shouting Elva," she told me.

"It was so vivid," I choked out.

"You've not been well bella, you're still getting over a fever," she explained.

"Elva's here, she's playing in her room. She's safe," she added.

"We can't let her take her," I said seriously.

"We won't," she nodded.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down.

It was just a dream. 

I'd gone for a nap.

It was just a dream.

I kept telling myself this until I finally started to believe it.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"4:30," she replied, gently playing with my hair and kissing my ear.

"I'm gonna go shower before Jane arrives. I want to feel fresh," I said as I made a move to get out of bed.

"I'll go sort Elva," Carina said.

"Carina?" I said as she got to the bedroom door.

She paused and turned to look at me.

"I love you," I told her.

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