Part 52

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Maya POV

I woke up with Elva's leg over my stomach as she lay spread out across the bed.

Without waking her, I carefully lifted her off me. I climbed out of bed and gently picked her up. In her sleep she clung onto me as I made my way into mine and Carina's room.

She was sat up in bed reading her book.

"Buongiorno bellina," she said happily.

"Shhh she's still sleeping," I smiled.

"Is she okay?" She asked as I placed Elva in the middle and climbed back into our bed.

"Yeah she woke up in the middle of the night crying," I whispered.

"I'm so happy it's Saturday," she said, stretching up and sinking back into the pillows.

"Me too! We needed a day off," I agreed.

"What do you want to do today?" She asked.

"This," I smiled, rolling onto my side and stroking Elva's hair out of her face.

"She's got some bruising," I pointed out.

"Let me look," Carina said, putting down her book and also rolling over onto her side to face me.

She gently stroked her finger across Elva's cheek and sighed.

"Just a little swelling," she said to herself.

"The redness of the scratches has gone down though,"

"Poor bambina," she added.

"I love you," I smiled, feeling full of emotion every time I see her interact with Elva.

"I love you too bellina, come kiss me," she smiled, leaning over Elva to reach me.

I felt myself melt at the contact.

We pulled apart when we heard Elva stir.

"Hair," she wined, bringing her hand up to move Carina's long, wavy hair out of her face.

"Oh I'm sorry bambina," Carina chuckled, throwing her hair back over her shoulder.

She pushed herself up and rolled over to lay on me again.

"Bubba you've slept on mommy all night, aren't you bored of me yet," I joked, putting my arms around her.

"You're comfy," she replied simply, resting her head back down on my chest.

"No, you mean my boobs are," I laughed.

"Well she wouldn't be wrong," Carina winked.

"Oh shut up," I said, fake hitting her on the arm.

"What do you want to do today Elvie?" I asked her.

"Yes you need to decide on your treat bella," Carina added.

She thought about it for a moment before pushing herself up off of me.

"Can we bake?" She asked nervously.

"Do you not want to go out somewhere?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Molly said she baked cupcakes with her mommy last week," she said quietly.

I glanced at Carina and she nodded.

"Then that's what we will do bambina, what do you want to bake?" She asked, pulling Elva off me and sitting up against the bad with Elva between her legs.

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