Part 6

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Maya POV

Myself and the social worker headed to the canteen for a chat about Elva. She introduced herself as Jane. Apparently she'd worked on Elva's social work team for the last two years.

"I can't give you any information about her background," she told me.

"But could you fill me in on your version of today's events. A member of my team has spoken to the carers and we have their statements." She asked.

I gave Jane the full story, she made notes and asked extra questions. The more I spoke about it, the angrier I became.

"What's going to happen to Elva?" I asked.

"Well, after speaking to you and some of the children it's looking like none of them will be returning under their care. They're unlikely to remain foster parents. I still need to speak to Eva though, if she and doctors can confirm abuse then there'll be cause for prosecution," she informed me.

I sighed deeply. This was a lot for a 10 year old girl to be going through. Especially going through it alone. With the existing abuse on top of the trauma from being trapped in a fire, it would take a lot for her overcome.

"And where will she end up?"

"Most likely another foster placement. If nothings available it'll be a group home," she said. She was very blunt. More so than me, and I'm very straight to the point. I suppose she has to turn the emotion off in her line of work. I can relate to that.

"Does Elva get a say in where she goes?"

"Not really, if she were a little older maybe there'd be more of a discussion. But as she's 6, the system will just place her somewhere," she replied.

"Will they look for somewhere that will offer her the support she needs to recover from all she's been through?" I wondered.

"Honestly, this situation isn't that uncommon. The fire bit yes, the abuse no, the screening process isn't great," she sighed.

This only added fuel to the fire burning inside me.

"But she's 6, she's a baby who's been through something horrific," I shouted.

Jane sighed as if she'd heard all this before.

"Will I be able to stay in touch?" I asked. This surprised me as I never remain in contact with any civilians. I didn't like thinking of Elva as a civilian though, she was more than that.

"Unlikely, you've no relation and no connection as a foster carer. Once she's discharged from here, she'll just be placed somewhere."

"I'm gonna go check on her," I said, I was feeling frustrated and needed some space away from this woman.

Heading back to Elva's room, I saw Carina making notes at the nurses desk.

"Hey how is she?" I asked

"Ciao bambina," she smiled.

"She's awake, she's been for an x-Ray, I'm just checking the scans now," she said, looking back at the screen.

She started frowning and shaking her head.

"What is it?"

"After seeing her bruises I wanted to do a full body x-Ray just to be sure there was nothing else wrong. She's got a couple of broken ribs and it looks like she's had a fracture in her right arm that hasn't quite healed properly," she explained.

I shook my head in my hands. It just kept getting worse and worse.

"Look it's getting late, why don't you go home. You've been on shift all day and you've been here for hours. She's okay, she's safe here," Carina said.

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