Part 102

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Maya POV

"Elva come on!" I shouted for the third time through the apartment.

"Elva!" I called again, standing impatiently by the door.

She slowly made her way out of her bedroom towards me, Carina attempting to hurry her along.

"Baby let's go," I sighed, handing her her coat.

"No!" She shouted, throwing her jacket onto the floor.

"Elva," I warned firmly, picking it up and passing it to her again.

Carina stood to the side, fastening her shoes and putting on her own coat.

"No mommy," she whined again, dropping her jacket to the floor.

"Elva mommy is going to get cross soon. Put your jacket on please, we need to go," I warned, still remaining calm.

"I'm not going to school," she said defiantly, crossing her arms over her chest.

I glanced at Carina who shrugged her shoulders, not knowing where this reaction was coming from.

"Bambina, you've got your first dance class after school, that's something to look forward to," Carina said excitedly, crouching down in front of her and picking up her coat.

"Come on bambina," she encouraged, trying to take hold of Elva's arm.

"Nooo," she whined, pulling it away and stepping back.

"Elva baba, what's going on?" I asked, my tone a little softer.

"I don't want to go," she cried, stepping further away from Carina and I.

"Bambina you have to, let's go," Carina said, ignoring the tears and moving to pick her up.

"Mama no," she screamed, her arms trying to push Carina away.

"I'm not going," she added, stomping her feet as she continued to cry.

"Elvie mama and I need to get to work," I said seriously, checking the time on my watch.

"If you don't put your coat on and calm down then you're not going to dance class," I threatened.

"No mommy," she shouted, throwing herself to the ground in a full blown tantrum.

"Station," she cried.

Looking at Carina helplessly, part of me wanted to just bring her to work with me. Carina must've read my mind as she shook her head and frowned.

"I have a 9am c-section," Carina said frustratedly as our little girl continued crying on the floor.

"You go, I'll manage here," I sighed, gently rubbing her arm.

"Are you sure bellina?" She asked, gesturing to Elva.

"Yeah you go. I'm the captain, I can get away with being a little late," I winked.

She held her hand on my waist and leant down to kiss me.

"I love you, have a good day bella. Stay safe," she whispered against my lips.

"Bambina, mama's going to work. Be good for mommy," she said.

"Mama don't go," Elva cried, pushing herself up off the floor.

"You need to calm down bambina," Carina soothed gently as Elva wrapped her arms around Carina's legs.

"Mama can take you to school if you calm down now," Carina explained to her firmly.

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