Part 16

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Maya POV

Carina and I went to bed shortly after dinner, she'd had a long day at work so was in need of an early night. It wasn't long before we were sound asleep.

I was woken up a few hours later by the sound of somebody crying. I was used to being woken up by alarms at the station so could snap myself into action pretty quickly. I rolled over and saw that Carina had woken up as well.

"I'll go, go back to sleep," I told her.

I climbed out of bed, the cold air hit me straight away so I made my way to Elva's room as quickly as I could.

Elva's room, it was nice thinking of it as hers.

I walked into her room and found her sat up in the middle of the bed crying her eyes out.

"Bobby," she was crying.

Shit where was he?

"Where did you leave him bubba?" I asked her.

"I don't remember," she sobbed.

Think Maya. Where did you last see him?

"Shhh bubba, it's okay," I said, going to sit on the bed beside her.

I tried to put my arm around her but she flinched away and hid her head in her hands.

Tears were pouring down her cheeks. I was feeling a little helpless.

"Maya," she cried for me.

"I'm here baby girl," I said.

I didn't want to freak her out again by getting too close. I know part of what she's been through but I don't want to push her, I want her to come to me.

I put my hand out to see if she'd take it. She gently put her small hand in mine. I ran my thumb over her to top of her hand while we both sat there.

"Breathe bub, take one big breath in, you'll feel better."

"Bobby," she sobbed.

"I'll go look for him sweetheart," I said, getting up from her bed.

As I got up, I suddenly had a brain wave. She left Bobby in the lounge earlier. Before we left for the hospital this morning, she said she wanted to leave him here.

I rushed into the lounge, I should've put the light on but there I was, rummaging around in the dark.

I felt down the back of the sofa and grabbed hold of something soft. Yes, found him.

I rushed back to find Elva curled in a ball and still crying.

I climbed under the duvet behind her. I pulled her closer and draped my arm over her.

"Look who I've got," I whispered, tucking Bobby in her arms.

I felt her body instantly relax next to me.

Her breathing settled and her heart breaking sobs softened to whimpers.

"Shhh it's ok bub, you've got him now," I soothed. I looked over at the clock, 2:30am. I needed to get her back to sleep.

"Want me to stay Elva?" I asked.

She nodded and rolled over to face me. I got myself settled and comfortable and pulled her closer to me, she tucked her head under my neck as I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Get some sleep bub,"

I played with her hair until I was sure she was asleep. I finally let myself relax and drifted off for the second time that night.

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