Part 11

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Maya POV

Elva very reluctantly agreed to let me give her a bath. She was understandably shy and embarrassed but I wasn't leaving her alone.
She was exhausted and just needed someone to take care of her.

To give her a little extra privacy, Carina left us and went to throw Elva's two sets of clothes in the wash.

"You okay sweets?" I asked her as I very gently washed her back. Her spine was protruding way too much but I pretended not to notice. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable around me.

She simply nodded.

We stayed pretty much in silence whilst I shampooed her hair.

"I think you're finished bub, I'll get you a towel."

I grabbed a towel that had been warming on the radiator, it was nice and warm for her. She carefully climbed out and let me wrap her in the huge fluffy sheet. She followed me back through the apartment and into my room.

"Climb up," I said, patting the bed.

She just stood clutching the towel aroundki her and stared between me and the giant bed.

"Help?" I smiled.

She nodded.

I lifted her and placed her back down on to the mattress. I turned to my draws to try and find something for her to wear. I hadn't thought this part through.

"Carina's washing your clothes, you okay wearing something of mine? Your clothes won't take too long to dry," I asked her.

Again she nodded.

Nothing I owned would fit her, that was a given, but it didn't matter. She looked adorable in one of my sweatshirts. It drowned her but she found it funny.

"Come on you monkey, let's go see Carina," I said.

She took my hand and we headed back into the lounge. Something was smelling really good from the kitchen. Must be Carina exercising one of her many talents.

"I won't be a minute," I told her, rushing back to my room to get myself changed out of my uniform. I wasn't going to be going back into work today.

I quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and headed back.

I sat on the sofa next to Elva, she curled up her legs under my sweatshirt and giggled.

"What?" I asked.

"I smell like you," she grinned.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her and smiled.

"Come here you, we need to talk," I said, pulling her onto my knee as Carina came in and took up Elva's previous space on the sofa.

Elva's smile diminished. 10 seconds ago she was just happy to be wearing my clothes, now she looked terrified.

"Shhh bubba it's ok," I soothed before we even began discussing anything. I needed her to be as calm as possible.

"What happened bambina?" Carina asked her softly.

Elva POV

I knew that question was coming, I'd been waiting for it all day. I was just hoping they'd forget.

I just wanted to sit here with them forever. I have never felt safer being wrapped in Maya's clothes with her arms around me. I feel like nothing bad could ever happen to me and I don't want that feeling to go away. It's exhausting being scared all the time. I inched  down a little and rested my head on Maya's chest. She gave me an extra squeeze, letting me know she was there. I tried to hide my face in her t-shirt but she stopped me and pulled me back.

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