Part 53

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Maya POV

"Gabriella," Carina said in surprise as she opened the door.

"Carina!" She said excitedly.

I felt Elva hold onto me a little tighter.

The stranger, who we now knew was named Gabriella, dropped her bag and wrapped her arms around Carina.

They were both jumping up and down like school girls and giggling excitedly in Italian.

Elva looked at me questioningly but I replied with a shrug and raised eyebrows.

Eventually, they calmed down and Carina turned her attention to Elva and I.

"Gabriella, this is Maya my girlfriend and Elva our little bambina," she said introducing us.

"And this is Gabriella, we met in medical school years ago," she added.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled warmly, lifting Elva slightly so she was comfortably on my hip.

"Buongiorno! Come stai?" She said.

"Umm," I paused.

"Gabriella, English please," Carina intervened.

"I'm sorry but Carina you need get teaching them," she laughed.

"Bene, grazie! E tu?" Elva said suddenly.

The three of us turned to look at her in amazement.

"I listen to mama," she shrugged.

"Looks like it's just you who needs to catch up Maya," she said sarcastically.

Elva lay her head down on my shoulder and started playing with my necklace. She knew her mommy needed some comfort from her.

"What are you doing here?"

I was relieved Carina finally asked the question we were all wondering.

"I was just in town and wanted to visit one of my oldest friends," she explained.

"Are you staying?" She asked.

"Only for a few nights if you don't mind," she replied.

I glanced at Carina.

"Of course you can," she smiled.

"I want to freshen up, where can I put my things?"

"Ermm, Elva can stay with Carina and I, you can have her room," I suggested.

"Or you can stay with Elva and I can stay with Carina," she winked suggestively.

I choked out a cough.

"No no, Elva can stay in our room," Carina chuckled awkwardly.

"So we won't be catching up exactly like old times then?" Gabriella pouted fakely.

I shot a mortified look at Carina.

"Gabriella!" Carina gasped.

"I'm joking, relax. I don't think I'd be able to keep up anymore anyway. Especially not after all your orgasm studies," she laughed.

"What's an orgasm?" Elva asked innocently.

"Okay let's go decorate those cupcakes," I said excitedly, instantly changing the conversation and taking her back into the kitchen.

I heard Carina show Gabriella through the apartment to Elva's room.

I helped Elva climb up onto the stool so she could reach the counter.

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