Part 44

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Maya POV

"She's been quiet tonight," Carina said, gesturing to Elva who was on the carpet by the coffee table colouring in some pictures.

I joined Carina on the sofa with a glass of wine.

Elva had hardly said a word all afternoon. She seemed happy enough at the station with Vic and Andy but was still incredibly quiet.

She'd eaten her dinner without any problems which definitely wasn't like her. Carina and I had just praised her for eating but maybe there was something else going ing on.

I moved along the sofa towards Carina. She shuffled back slightly into the sofa and created room for me to lean back alongside her.

We lay together just watching our girl.

"So I had two missed calls today," I whispered to Carina so Elva couldn't overhear.

"Oh yeah, another woman after you?" she smirked.

"Two actually. Jane and Miss Thomas," I said, gently smacking her on the shoulder.

I felt Carina's body tense against me.

"Everything okay?" She said, suddenly serious.

I glanced over at Elva who was rubbing her eyes and yawning. She'd need to go to bed soon. 

"Miss Thomas said she'd been unusually quiet all day and Jane said the other couple who wanted to adopt Elva were still fighting for her," I explained sadly.

"She has been quiet this evening, I wonder what's up?" She asked, draping her arm over me and pulling me closer.

"She'll tell us when she's ready," I sighed.

We lay in silence for a few moments.

"You've not mentioned Jane," I said.

"That's because I'm trying not to think about it," she said matter of factly.

I reached forward and put my glass down.

"We can't lose her Carina, not now," I said, rolling over on my side to face her.

"Shhh bellina, we won't," she whispered.

I let her simply hold me, I really didn't have words for how anxious the whole situation was making me.

We were interrupted when we heard something bump against the coffee table.

I turned over and saw Elva with her head down.

She pushed herself back up and turned to look at Carina and I. She looked exhausted and like she could start to cry any second. She must have fallen asleep colouring in and nodded off.

"Come here bubba," I said, holding out my arms for her.

She rubbed her head where she had banged it.

She got up off the floor and headed over to us.I sat up slightly, still leaning against Carina.

"Join the cuddle bambina," Carina said gently.

I helped her climb up and she immediately got herself settled on top of me with her head on my chest, facing Carina.

She softly stroked Elva's cheek and wiped away the stray tears that escaped.

Poor bubba was holding on to so much. I wish she felt she could just let it all out.

She brought her hand up to Carina's chest and played with her necklace. Carina carefully took hold of Elva's hand and kissed her little fingers.

"Do you want to talk to us about anything sweetheart?" I asked her.

She shook her head against my chest.

"We're always here bambina," Carina assured her.

"Tired," she said weakly.

"Get some sleep bubba," I said soothingly.

"On mommy?" She asked, looking up at me.

"I'm not going anywhere Elvie," I reassured.

"Mama?" She whimpered.

"Shhh bambina, I'm here," Carina replied.

"Sono qui," she repeated in Italian, gently stroking hair.

"Close those eyes baby girl," I said as I ran my fingers up and down her back.

Within minutes I could tell she was fast asleep.

"She looks so peaceful," Carina pointed out.

"At least she can forget about whatever it is that's on her mind for a while," I sighed.

"Don't worry, we've got her," she said comfortingly.

"Let's get her to bed," I said after a few more minutes of just holding her.

"How we going to do that?" She said sarcastically.

"Very very carefully," I quietly laughed.

Authors note.

Very short and sweet but I just needed  to write a soft chapter to make myself feel better.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and I promise I'll get back to longer updates.

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